According to a report from the Budget Office of the National Congress, in January public spending suffered a drop of 30.8% in real terms. Retirements, social programs and public salaries were among the tightest along with transfers to universities, however debt interest rose 139.1% in real terms.
The educational community of the universities has been demanding the freezing of the university budget, which if the same 2023 budget is maintained would only last until the month of April. In this context of adjustment, the National University of Quilmes published that there will be modifications in course offerings and new limits on subject registration.
On the other hand, the amount of the Progresar Scholarships has remained frozen since Milei took office at $20,000, the last increase was in August 2023. Which for the month of January 2024 implies a real year-on-year drop of 34.35%.
To the sharp fall in income, with a 14% collapse in formal jobs in December, the highest since 1994, is added the increase in the transportation rate of 250% and promises of a 200% increase with the IMF in electricity and more 150% in gas starting in February.
In turn, according to an Indec report, informal workers (which mainly affects youth) were the most affected. They had a loss of 57.5% in their income compared to 2016 (since that date Indec publishes the data) and they plummeted 14.2% in December alone.
The possibility of accessing a university degree is increasingly difficult for the vast majority. The IMF’s classic adjustment program already predicts a 2.8% drop in GDP by 2024, which promises to worsen the situation of 50% poverty.
The mobilization of neighborhood assemblies together with workers, retirees and students was very important to stop the Omnibus Law and marked a democratic experience of organization for the defense of our rights. Student centers and university federations have to take the lead in facing the government’s adjustment plans for the “voucherization” of education. Also the union centers of the CGT and the CTA call for a real plan of struggle to defeat Milei’s attack on the great majorities.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com