Like every Wednesday, while a new march of older adults who fight for retirements and pensions according to the rise in the cost of living was carried out in the event of the Congress, the government repressed again. However, the claim becomes more strength and adds the accompaniment of different organizations, this time as the teachers and sectors of the Chacarita fans, in addition to the deputies of the left present every Wednesday.
Brutal operational and repression of retirees in the mobilization they do every Wednesday. Gendarmerie, Prefecture and Federal are present pic.twitter.com/Yg4JBbQ8wq
– The newspaper (@IZYDIARIOS) March 5, 2025
🔴 #NOW | They repress with sticks and gases to retirees who mobilize like every Wednesday in front of #Congress!
“It is a shame that bullrich does repressing retirees every Wednesday,” he says @NicolasdelCano to the mobile of @C5n pic.twitter.com/mMUIPOLlEx
– Front of the Left Unit (@fte_Iz left) March 5, 2025
The amount of repressive forces that Bullrich at this time against Congress is obscene. They repress, beat, sorry.
Despite the complaints, there is no judge or prosecutor who intervenes. Their fierce independence appears when they want to collect income tax.— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) March 5, 2025

A joint operation of the Federal Police, Gendarmerie and Prefecture sent by Bullrich were responsible for hitting and soding retirees and retirees. That remains the only response of this government of scammers to a claim that supports support every week.

The Health post It continues to provide, like every Wednesday, an unconditional support and care for retirees and retirees who support the gases and blows of repressive forces.
There are plenty of reasons to mobilize
Milei boasts everywhere of having applied the greatest adjustment in the story. Not only that, he fell mostly his weight (or his ax) on spending on retirement and pensions. While the bonus is still frozen a year ago, and the minimum will reach the $ 349,121 (with bonus), just a third of what the retiree basket costs.

Also, if there is no extension to The retirement moratorium -As threatening this government- it is estimated that in March Around 242,000 people of retirement will not be able to do so For lack of contributions, according to data from the Undersecretary of Social Security. These are about 93,000 men who would reach 65 year and $ 149. 000 women, are alarming figures. The difference between men and women is due to the obstacles that women have to access formal works (with contributions). Also the non -recognition of unpaid work that was carried out in the private sphere of the home, explains that in many cases changas of less time load and in complete informality should be sought.
In this regard, the deputy of the Fitu Nicolás del Caño denounced: “” In March, for example, people who do not have thirty years of retirement contribution will not be able The doors of a reduction for the next retirees and retirees of 20 % of the assets.
✊ Despite the heat and the cuts of light, retirees and retirees are concentrated, like every Wednesday, in front of Congress to claim against hunger retirements.
They are accompanied by Chacarita fans. The deputies are also present @NicolasdelCano y @chipicastillo pic.twitter.com/h9wkkeVBe2
– Front of the Left Unit (@fte_Iz left) https://www.laizquierdadiario.com/E…quierda/status/1897386952980353443?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>March 5, 2025
It is evident that there are plenty of reasons to continue mobilizing in defense of the rights of retirees, to put a brake on the brutal adjustment of Milei. But as it is clear to stop this government of scammers, which only seeks to comply with the IMF, we must boost the greatest solidarity and organization in the streets. This March 8 is a new opportunity to show the strength of women, and the next Wednesday continue to accompany the claim of older adults.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com