Everything happened on Thursday. In La Quiaca, Jujuy, the Gendarmerie directed by Patricia Bullrich murdered to Rodrigo Torres. Son the Colla community was 22 years old, worked and studied. Hours before, 2,000 kilometers southeast, the Axel Kicillof’s Buenos Aires police had shot Matías Paredes: mason, father and fan of Alvarado. It was barely older: 26 years. Different territories, the same murderous bullets of the State; The same death in the hands of repressive forces that – reslected by all governments – exert a systematic terror about the laborer youth.
Custody of a wild economic plan, Bullrich pushes that empowerment. Weeks ago, Gendarmerie murdered in Salta Fernando Gómez, Bagayero worker; He was 27 years old and three children. Impune, the minister and Peronist governor Gustavo Sáenz dared to associate the young woman killed with the world of “the drug traffickers.”
Now, in complicity with provincial and local governments, Bullrich advances in the south of the country: Criminalize those who fight fire in El Bolsón. Counting guarantee of a judiciary always close to large landowners, seeks scapegoats that cover their obscene inoperance against the atrocious fires.
Your arrogance, however, finds limits. It was seen on Saturday, February 1: That day, the crowd that took the streets of the country demolished the repressive protocol created by the minister.
Exploding from Congress
The same Thursday “the political caste” offered its own show. The Chamber of Deputies gave Half sanction to the suspension of the step. Javier Milei celebrated, who will have a more clear path to advance his parliamentary force.
During the session, the Front of the Left act as a consequent oppositionrejecting Milei’s anti -democratic maneuvers. Denouncing, also, to those who officiate from the fretchers of the ruling party even when confrontative in social media and networks.
The self -denominated “opposition” contributed its sand truck again to the management of La Libertad advances. Macristas and radicalseven with diverse speeches, they did their own. They carry wigs a long time ago. The strident note was given by the Peronism: It was the resounding noise of a break. Union for the homeland voted departure in three: who endorsed Javier Milei’s request; who dodged the confrontation with the ruling party, choosing abstention; And who, even for various reasons – voted against. The absences were not lacking; some significant from the point of view of the Peronist intern.
Will the scene be repeated in the Senate? Everything would indicate yes. Morally defeated, Peronism attends a crisis of historical magnitudebeaten by the failure of his last government. Claiming the strategy of regulate capitalismthe management of Alberto Fernández, Cristina Kirchner and Sergio Massa was the vehicle of the adjustment ordered by the IMF. For millions, Peronism is today Synonym of inflationpoverty and precariousness of employment. On that subjectivity, he hit Milei’s wild liberal discourse.
Far from that banal analogy with cats, Peronism’s fights are not equivalent to their reproduction. They imply, rather, a growing fragmentation. Each fraction works based on their own interests, whether they are territorial or union. Always, anyway, there seems to be a box in between.
Navigating that disorientation, Cristina Kirchner Choose X (Twitter) as the ground of impotent discharges against attacks of the ultra -right. Axel KicillofFor its part, it walks where the great media corporation pushes it: the agenda of the so -called “insecurity.” Days ago he put Mar del Plata police in front of Edgardo Vulcanoremoved in Miramar after Another murder starring Buenos Aires In 2021: the one of Luciano Oliveraonly 16 years. Hours later, Civil Police shot Matías Paredes.
¿The CGT? Yes, the CGT is still on vacation.
The radicalization of the “cultural battle” or how not to talk about economy
He Government produces news 24/7: OMS abandonment; eventual departure from the Paris Club; New rabid attacks on the LGTBIQ+community. Overproducting storiescautiously avoid the economic sand. There the tensions unfold, questioning the official successism.
The recession says present in each data that illustrates the Growth of dismissals or a fall in consumption levels. The Low of withholdings and negotiations with the IMF stage the exchange tensions of the “model.” The fund, beyond the cordial communications, demands an agreement that the government does not seem disposed or trained to comply. He exchange ratethat evil that Milei has always denoted, extends its shadow by 2026. Maldit word, the “devaluation” is denied at every moment. Seeking to compensate, the president presents a world that smiles at him. Reality is more prosaic: Ascent War It hardly helps milleist management. That Friday, symbolizing those contradictions, the actions of Argentine companies on Wall Street fell 8%.
Los reactionaries official speeches They are not harmless. He remembered this Thursday Nicolás del Caño: covered by the Bases Law and in the attacks on “Los Lefto”, the employers dismiss discriminatory to referents of combative and antiburocratic trade unionism. Against these severance pay in companies such as Linde Praxair, Shell y Pilkington.
In the week that happened, Milei recidivized in the aberrant link between homosexuality, gender ideology and “pedophilia.” That hate speech Open the door to physical aggressions, such as the one suffered by a lesbian couple last Tuesday, in CABA.
A strategy to display the strength of the streets
The 1F showed the germ of a Resistance capable of facing the Mileista project as a whole. Inverted image offered by Congress, the massive demonstration showed a Challenging and confrontative force. A struggle energy of hundreds of thousands, which are many and many more throughout the country.
He Peronismon its different wings, You do not bet to develop that massive power of struggle. Its leaders seek to convert that enormous street energy into a Bridge to the 2027 elections. They repeat, for the umpteenth time, that “you have to vote well” and “not vote traitors.” The question is necessary: the 25 deputies and deputies who voted for the suspension of Milei’s step at the request of Milei, were they “traitors” when they went on the lists with Alberto Fernández, Cristina Kirchner or Massa? And who voted the Bases Law or endorsed the veto to the rise in retirement? Peronism bites the tail: its own strategy manufactures “the traitors”. That orientation, as we said a few days ago, prepare a new disappointmenteven greater than the one already meant everyone’s front.
The streets can be the territory of a political and social resistance willing to face Milei now. Of a resistance that concentrate and unify The social force of the working class, of the women’s movement, of the LGTBIQ+community, of the youth, of the retirees, and of other sectors in struggle. There lies the power to face hate speeches, discrimination policies and economic adjustment. There is also the potential to confront repressive and “manodurist” policies that encourage the easy trigger.
That course implies betting on Develop self -organization from below; to boost the effective coordination between different sectors in struggle; To organize the combative sectors in each workplace, study and in each neighborhood. Top, in the weeks to come, we have the enormous challenge of being a crowd again. He March 8 and March 24 you have to make the streets of the country tremble again.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com