Javier Milei follows his walk in the United States and Europe. It seems a bit excited by the sensations generated by the assumption of their sponsors, Yankees billionaires Donald Trump and Elon Musk. Not even the blow received by his friend Netanyahu and his genocidal army appeased him a little. After speaking a little economy and boasting the adjustment he is carrying out in Argentina, Davos chose to make an openly ideological speech.
You could say that the title of his presentation was “the mental virus of Woke ideology.” Woke is a end that became popular, especially in the US, to refer to those who have “commitment to social struggles.” In the case of the right, as Trump did in the assumption of Monday, the definition is used in a pejorative, insulting way.
And that was what Milei did. His exhibition was a series of attacks on women’s rights and diversities, with a series of fallacious and violent statements. The libertantos were excited in social networks with a fragment of their speech where he related what he calls “gender ideology”, which had previously linked to radical feminism, homosexuality and transsexuality, with pedophilia and children’s abuse. To justify that barbarity, an example of an American couple accused of these practices gave.
But he did not settle for that attack, which in addition to homophobic contradicts any official statistics, where heterosexual men and the family values defended by Milei are the main victimizers of childhoods.
For Milei, homosexuals are pedophiles. Boludes and misinforma says, the policy of hatred of diversity as a state policy. Remember that three lesbians set fire in Barracas, a direct consequence of the hate and misinformation cataract. pic.twitter.com/r5Jge2zMyv
– Toms Mascolo (@pibetiger) January 23, 2025
The Gross President continued, in a sequence where he shot at women, feminists, environmentalists and any oppressed sector that claims a right or denounces an outrage: “Gender ideology constitutes smoothly and plainly child abuse. They are pedophiles, therefore I want to know who supports those behaviors “; we reach the point of normalizing that in many supposedly civilized countries if one kills the woman is called femicide, and that entails a more serious penalty than if one kills a man only For the sex of the victim ”; “Wokismo also manifests itself in the sinister radical environmentalism and the climate change flag”; “It is no coincidence that these are the main promoters of the blood agenda and murder of abortion.”
I will not analyze the Giladas de Milei of “the gender ideology”. I will only repeat words from Louise Michel of the nineteenth century. “Be careful with women when they feel disgusted with everything that surrounds them and revolts against the old world. That day the New World will be born. ” https://t.co/hvuyalpfqp pic.twitter.com/HnECc62uyC
— Andrea D’Atri (@andreadatri) January 23, 2025
Democratic freedoms in danger
It makes no sense to extend or analyze each of the statements of a provocateur who every day increases his virulence against women and diversities. Much less comment where such hatred is coming from or if you need therapeutic treatment. The important thing is that it is a conception deeply rooted in the political current that it leads. That is why he unleashed the emotion of his trolls and digital spokesmen and the silence of his political allies and addicted means. The important thing is that Milei takes advantage of his position and impact to profess a deeply reactionary ideology, where “Western and Christian values” are linked to an attack on the living conditions of millions as an offering to capitalist neoliberalism.
It is the cheap and tilinga version of “austerity without rights” proposed by Trump, where attacks on the working class are unleashed along with the attacks on the most oppressed and oppressed.
But it is a story that let the great corporations of digital capitalism run. That is why Zuckerberg (Meta) changed its content policies and allows the LGBTIQ+ community to be qualified as mentally ill. That is why Disney removed the transgender stories of his animated series in recent weeks. That is why Elon Musk’s troglodite made the Nazi greeting that reached billions.
Milei, as a trump and Musk -mimous kitten, joined the facos choir and also sent a threatening message: “Not only are we not afraid of them. But we are going to look for them until the last corner of the planet in defense of the Freedom.
They say that Milei will persecute us to the shout of “left -handed children of whores” to be able to discuss with us and show us that we are wrong. It looks like a ternurita, but its persecutions are concrete and a partner lost the vision of an eye in the repression of the Base Law.
— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) January 23, 2025
This threat generated a repudiation of the left and progressive sectors that is extended day by day, although with the worrying silence of referents such as Cristina Fernández and Axel Kicillof. But it has to be much more blunt.
As Myriam Bregman denounced those speeches “have consequences and leave injured.” That is why a complaint was already filed. A complaint that will continue to be accompanied, as throughout the history of the working class, the struggle and left movements, for an increasingly active militancy to banish from the earth the system that creates these monsters and leads us to barbarism .
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com