The national deputy for the PTS in the FITU, Christian Castillo, was interviewed on the program Showing 770 on AM 770 radio. There he talked about the unconstitutionality of the mega DNU and the Omnibus Law, and the irregular methods with which La Libertad Avanza is managing itself in Congress. He also referred to how the main measures taken by the Government impact the majorities and middle classes, while favoring a minority with a first and last name.
We leave here some of the excerpts of the interview.
Christian Castillo: About the DNU…There are none of the conditions that the Constitution indicates so that it cannot be followed through institutional channels and make the modifications proposed with the decree.
Furthermore, articles themselves are unconstitutional because it violates acquired and consecrated rights with constitutional status and that are part of international conventions.
It wants to do it as a prepo, the Government’s intention is to not discuss it in Congress, to let it run, to “continue, continue…”.
In the case of the Omnibus law of 664 articles, according to the regulations of the Chamber of Deputies, they should be dealt with in its committees. The regulations are explicit: when there is something that covers education, the education commission must meet, if something covers criminal legislation, the criminal legislation commission must meet.
The ruling party intends for it to be dealt with in only three commissions, in plenary and bye. They inform us that the day after tomorrow officials are going to come to report and that we have to send questions by email. That is to say, we do not know if the official will come and we will be able to question him as is the usual treatment in committee. It is a treatment of an irregularity that was never seen.
They want to impose serious issues that they know will be questioned. They want the population not to find out what is being voted on and the implications it has for their daily lives. And some are going to be very favored. There are articles that seem to be written directly by the beneficiary. There are articles with first and last name as they say. They want this not to be revealed, not to be made evident. Because, for example, where is the rush for judges to wear robes and use hammers? It’s illogical.
The measures taken are not only against workers, they are also against the middle classes. For example, those who save in pesos have been killed. They have set the fixed term at one third of inflation, while they promise the banks a bonus that will accompany it. A totally unequal treatment.
Taxes: they raise land taxes and lower personal assets for the richest. Fuel prices rose 100% in one month, which has an inflationary effect.
They are bringing prices and services to the levels of Europe and the US but they are keeping your salaries 10 times less. The minimum wage here is 150 dollars. So I can’t pay the prices where salaries are 1,000 or 1,500 dollars. It is also not true that this is regulating itself, and that since people do not buy, all that is going to start to fall. For example, you cannot choose not to pay for electricity, gas or water. Without these services you cannot live. Or food… I have to eat something. The same thing happens with medications. So, the truth is that reality does not work with the abstractions or formulas of government officials.
What really ends up happening It is a brutal transfer of income from those who have the least to those who have the most. In one month, salary purchasing power fell by 13.2%. That never happened.
Listen to the full interview
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com