In this video we tell you the keys to the omnibus law that they want to vote on this Monday in the Chamber of Deputies. Alert for retirees and particularly retirees, monotributistas, registered and unregistered workers. How is it going to affect us? Who are the harmed? Who does it benefit? Who wants to vote for it? A protest is called on Monday in front of Congress to reject it.

The session to give half-sanction to the omnibus law and the “fiscal package” in the Chamber of Deputies is on Monday, April 29 at 12 noon. Outside Congress, different organizations are calling for mobilization.

Everything you need to know about the new version of the omnibus law and how it may affect you, is told to you by Jesica Calcagno, an accredited parliamentary journalist for Congress.

You may be interested: The omnibus law arrives on Monday at the venue with a labor reform and attacks on retirees

You may be interested in: A fiscal package loaded with taxes for workers and monotributistas but with benefits for the rich and drug traffickers

Politics / Parliamentary / Deputies / National Congress / Tax reform / Omnibus Law


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