In a video broadcast on social networks, the leaders of the PTS in the Left Front greeted all those who these weeks were mobilizing in the streets against the reactionary plans of the Milei government: “To the assembly members who mobilized and the voters of the “I want to especially thank you on the left. Many of us meet on the street and they ask us: How do we continue now, against the DNU, the high rates, the increases, what do we do?” Myriam Bregman begins by posing in the video.

“The street played a very important role in bringing down this law. Neighborhood assemblies, combative unionism, retirees, leftist organizations, social movements, we were all there. Many also helped us spread everything that was happening in the street, the days of mobilization and the debates that we were having within Congress,” he continued.

For his part, Nicolás del Caño, stated that “A very important development in recent times is the emergence of neighborhood assemblies, which were protagonists in this fight and which have been an example, because they are organized from below, democratically, and they coordinate with others. sectors of workers, students and women who do not want to give up any rights.

Taking the floor again, the former presidential candidate of the Left Front in the last elections appealed: “We need to join forces for the times to come. Can you imagine if this movement grows in each neighborhood, in each city? Can you imagine if it unites with the organizations of workers, of employed and unemployed, who are the ones that move the country?”

“If many of those who voted for us join those assemblies, a more powerful force of thousands and thousands could be created that would make the demand for the CGT and the social movements more powerful to call for a true plan to fight against high tariffs, the DNU, the Milei adjustment and the big businessmen”.

Del Caño continued: “And we also have to join all those who want to go out and fight and see that their leaders are not doing anything because this is just beginning. It is very important that you join the neighborhood assemblies or the organizations that exist in your place. of study, in your workplace”.

To conclude, Bregman defined: “It’s time to organize, see you on the street.”


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