Photo: The Compass

President Milei and Governor Kicillof arrived in the city this Sunday and joined the Crisis Committee that Mayor Federico Susbielles (FDT) had previously convened. The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, the Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, and the Buenos Aires Minister of Security also participated.

The mayor decreed 72 hours of mourning in the city, while in the afternoon the identities of the 13 people who died at the Bahiense del Norte club were confirmed. Essential services, especially electricity, were not restored in much of the city.

President Milei made a brief visit to the city and gave statements in which he indicated that he was confident that “you will be able to resolve this situation, in the best possible way, with the existing resources”, causing discomfort in sectors of the population that They are still waiting for answers to the emergency.

For her part, Minister Bullrich announced a strong patrol operation in the streets of the city, assigning at least 350 troops from the area, the fire department, Buenos Aires police and civil defense.

In the neighborhoods the consequences of the storm are disastrous. Dozens of families living in precarious conditions lost everything, and still continue without services and without a response from the government.

That is the bleak panorama in the Nueva Argentina neighborhood, where families live who do not have access to housing. The previous government of Héctor Gay, in line with Kicillof’s policy in Guernica, dedicated itself to frightening and criminalizing families who, in the midst of a pandemic, resorted to taking land to survive. After the takeover was established, they did not have any plan for these families to live in better conditions, with safe housing, nor did they raise the urgency of housing plans in the face of the deep housing deficit that exists in the city.

Malvina lives in Don Bosco at 4000 and spoke with La Izquierda Diario. “No one came here, we had no help or civil defense. My entire roof blew off, like most of the houses, some completely collapsed,” she says.

In another home, Agustina with her two children says, “I was with my children in the house when it started to collapse, I had to take them out in the middle of the storm. The house fell on top of us. I called and the ambulances didn’t come, I had “I had to go, they gave me two stitches in my head. We were left with nothing.”

Daniela Rodríguez, leader of the PTS Frente de Izquierda, expressed that “it is necessary to implement an emergency plan in this situation, based on taxes on the extraordinary profits of the Polo and the Port, allocating income to the families most affected by the temporary. Loans and credits at zero rate for merchants who need to make arrangements. And that large companies make all their machinery and resources available to assist affected families.”

From the PTS Bahía Blanca they stated, “we make our Casa Marx location available to receive donations starting this Monday at 1:00 p.m. with the aim of helping the most needy families in this situation.”


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