The Senate rejects the illegalization of ERC and Junts. This Tuesday, the Upper House will knock down a motion by Vox that urged the Government to begin the procedure to apply the Law of Political Parties to the Catalan independentists. Even the PP has been against this Tuesday, which has earned it the reproach of its government partners in autonomies and city councils, despite maintaining a tone that calls into question the legitimacy of an Executive that it has accused of having entered into a “tyrannical drift.” The PP has an absolute majority in the Senate and its vote is decisive for any initiative to prosper.

Vox has been left alone in its defense of the motion in the Upper House. Of the 260 votes cast, three were in favor, those of the extreme right, and 257 against.

“What is important is at risk, the survival of the Spanish nation, the legal system and, ultimately, coexistence and equality among Spaniards,” said Senator Paloma Gómez in her defense of the initiative, who has directly pointed out Pedro Sánchez as “the most traitorous president that Spain has ever had.”

Some words that have earned her the reproach of the socialist group, which has asked the Presidency of the Chamber to reprimand the senator for not “maintaining decorum.” Javier Maroto, who was leading the debate at that time, did not consider it necessary.

The debate has brought to the table the hidden struggle between the PP and Vox to lead the opposition to the amnesty law that today has begun its path in Congress. The extreme right has tried to patrimonialize the mass protests of recent weeks, some of its own and others called by the PP itself. “Millions of Spaniards have demonstrated and continue to demonstrate peacefully in the streets throughout Spain,” said Gómez. “Why don’t they listen to them?” he questioned. “I have not seen anything like this on the streets since the terrorist attack that cost Miguel Ángel Blanco his life,” he noted.

A reference to the murder of the PP councilor at the hands of ETA, which the right itself has already resorted to. The first was José María Aznar, who appealed to a new “spirit of Ermua”. He was followed by Isabel Díaz Ayuso and then many others. This same weekend, images of Blanco could be seen during the rally in Madrid against the amnesty.

The senator has criticized the “illicit, illegal and illegitimate pacts” signed by Sánchez with the independentists, whom she has directly accused of practicing and defending terrorism. Gómez recalled the accusation decided by the judge of the National Court Manuel García Castellón and settled: “They have not rejected the terrorist ends or means.”

“The defense of Spain and the Spanish people demand a step forward,” he noted. “It demands that representatives act accordingly, that a response be given to the attack on the rule of law,” he added.

Gómez has insisted that the investiture of Pedro Sánchez “is a coup d’état”, and has directly addressed the PP: “They are not rivals, they are enemies of the nation. I ask you for common sense and common sense. A path to coexistence with those who consider themselves superior and do not want the good for Spain will be impossible.”

The response of the PP has come from the mouth of Senator Yolanda Ibarrola, who has made a legal analysis of the current situation to conclude that a demand for illegalization urged today by the Government “would not prosper in the Supreme Court”, despite insinuating that, indeed, , they would be breaking party law.

“Not all behavior included in article 9 can meet a demand for dissolution,” he assured. Furthermore, he recalled that no one has been convicted of “terrorism” within the framework of the independence process, one of the conditions for banning a party.

Ibarrola has accused Vox of presenting the motion knowing that the PP was not going to support it, and of using it as a “veiled threat” against Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s party. “The PP will always be on the side of defending the rule of law, complying with the law, and defending the values ​​of the Constitution,” he assured, to launch a broadside at his allies: “And it will take serious, forceful actions.” and effective.”

The senator has defended “political pluralism” and has repeated her attacks on Vox. “Why are they bringing this motion today?” She blurted out from the rostrum. “They are looking for a forced role, a speaker that makes them appear to be the greatest defenders of Spain against the PP. Pedro Sánchez and his partners end up benefiting from his actions,” she concluded, to dedicate a final sentence to the coalition Executive: “In the face of a serious situation, we must act responsibly. “We will do what is legally possible to stop the tyrannical drift of the Government.”

Although Ibarrola has not expressly announced the ‘no’ of the PP, sources from the parliamentary group have assured that the vote is “against.”

Notices to the PP

The different speeches from the rest of the Senate groups have also been against the motion. But the speakers have addressed their words not only to Vox, but also to the PP due to the alliance that both parties maintain.

This is what PSOE senator José María Oleaga has done, who has reminded Feijóo’s people of “the fable of the scorpion and the frog.” “Whoever rides on the back of the beast ends up being swallowed,” he blurted out from the rostrum in his defense of amendments that have not been admitted by Vox.

The PSOE has criticized the frontist language of PP leaders such as Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who spoke of “hitting back.” Or the participation of people like Esperanza Aguirre in the Ferraz demonstrations, and her incitement to “block the streets.” “Look at the violence and riots that has resulted in,” she said.

Oleaga has reproached the PP for the “objectification of the rival” when, for example, Ayuso called Pedro Sánchez a “son of a bitch” from the guest gallery of Congress during the investiture debate. Or when the Deputy Secretary of Territorial Organization of the PP, Miguel Tellado, joked that the President of the Government should leave Spain “in the trunk of a car.” “Or when another said that he had to be shot in the back of the head. This happens when someone starts the spiral of hatred and violence. Feijóo was warned,” said the senator. “Return to the path of common sense,” he concluded.

The rest of the groups have also rejected the motion. ERC and Junts have attacked Vox’s attempt to silence an independence movement that, they have said, will not give up in its attempt to achieve the goal of self-determination for Catalonia. “We will persist, because we have done so throughout the centuries. The ballot boxes do not allow them to access power and they talk about dictatorship and ‘Spain is breaking’. They are instigating a coup d’état to leave millions of Catalans outside the law,” summarized ERC senator Sara Bailac.


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