An important mobilization takes place this Thursday afternoon. Called by various sectors, it goes to Plaza de Mayo, where an event will be held and a document will be read. Proposed and convened by the Unidad Left Front, social organizations – among them the Piquetera Unit – and combative unionism, it has the presence of left-wing, social and union political leaders.

In one of the leaders of the mobilization, the leaders of the union and social organizations march. There, along with representatives of the Piquetera Unit, are representatives of combative unionism. The members of the Movement of Classist Groups (MAC-PTS) march there, such as Raúl Godoy, Natalia González Seligra, Vanina “Peque” Mancuso (MadyGraf), Martín Brat, from the GPS Internal Commission, leaders of the struggle for land and Guernica housing, among others. In another sector of the mobilization, where the leaders of left-wing political organizations are found, such as Myriam Bregman, Nicolás del Caño, Christian Castillo, Vilma Ripoll, Gabriel Solano or Juan Carlos Giordano.

In addition to its main references, the PTS-Frente de Izquierda participates with a prominent column of health workers, teachers, of recovered companies like MadyGraf, of the fight for housing in Guernica, young university students, tertiary and secondary students.



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