The Bicameral Commission for Legislative Procedurewhich dictates and evaluates the validity of the DNU, was summoned to start at 4 pm, but could only start at 6 pm by the scandal that unleashed who was going to occupy the presidency. La Libertad Avanza moved with clumsiness and nervousness, dragging its usual allies. They have an urgency: they wanted to rule yes or yes the DNU of debt with the IMFto shield it in a session this Wednesday in deputies. They succeeded, regardless of costs. Being a minority, without the usual allies, I would not have reached that result. The 9 signatures In order to get to the enclosure, the senators contributed Pagotto (LLA), Zimmermann (UCR), Judge (PRO), Espínola (Federal Unit)and the deputies Zago (MID), Almirón (lla), Santilli (Pro) y Monti (UCR) that were made with the majority opinion. The 9th firm put it Paoltroni, exile from Lla that has a monobloc, and presented its own text but that enabled the majority to validate that of the Government.
The thing is The government is desperate to give some sign of calm to “the markets” that since Friday they are forcing the Central Bank to sell several million dollars. The economist Christian Buter, of liberal orientation: On Friday the BCRA had to sell $ 474 million, on Monday $ 56 million and on Tuesday $ 215 million. He left a conclusion “The closure of the Carry Trade has probably begun”. Something smells bad in the so -called “markets.” The exchange runner is combined with Another sign of weakness: The discomfort grows, and the Protest of retirees and retirees It grows every Wednesday in its call despite the repression of Patricia Bullrich. A minister who was beaten by the chaos generated by her own police operation and by the shot in Pablo Grillo’s head.
The beginning of the bicameral was dyed of a new scandalwith another episode of authoritarianism. The Senator of Freedom advances, Pagottosat on the “throne” of the presidency at 4 pm, although His mandate was already expired. That unleashed the fury of union for the homeland that screams and with a copy of the law that regulates the DNU in his hand, marked the irregularity and did not let the commission begin. The law that regulates the DNU establishes that the presidency lasts a year and is rotating: Pagotto had the presidency for 2024, YeThis year has to preside over a deputy or deputy. La Libertad progresses refused to accept it and libertarian senator remained attacked. Only almost two hours later, he agreed to get up and headed for new authorities. The ruling party was made by the deputy Lisandro Almirón: Ratify Pagottoalthough it did not correspond by law that is a senator. In the crusade he was accompanied by the PRO, the UCR, Zago and Espínola who also voted. On the other side, Union for the Homeland proposed Nicolás Massotof Federal Meeting, for the Presidency and also received the vote of the former libertarian Senator Paoltroni. 8 to 8 came out tied.
Bardo on the bicameral of the DNU. Senator Pagotto must leave the presidency and is attacked. This year you must assume a deputy in the Presidency. The Government wants to rule the debt DNU with IMF pic.twitter.com/Ala9nfq2ku
– is Calcagno (@jei_mc) March 18, 2025
When it seemed that the bicameral was only going to listen to the officials of the Executive Power and wreck the opinion and the session to shield the DNU of the debt, There was an unexpected turn. Paoltroni proposed to Deputy Oscar Zago for the Presidencyhe took the majority with the votes of freedom progress, PRO, UCR, Espínola and even Massot. Only union for the homeland abstained. The color note was given by Deputy Almirón, who went to the pineapples with zago last week in the enclosure. He took the floor and said he voted for him because “before the Republic is.” Although it was not what the government wanted, he had to give in to not lose everything. It is that zago is elusive, it can come and go, and it is not a “soldier” of the government. From Yapa, They took the vice presidency to Unión by the homeland. The UCR was left and the position will be occupied by Zimmermann.
The government is confident that it has the number to open the enclosure in deputies and shield the DNU Where Milei authorizes himself to make a new agreement with the IMF, which will imply more debt with “fresh funds.” By the law that regulates the decrees, if a single one of the cameras of the Congress validates the DNU, it is enough to remain firm. This is what can happen tomorrow with the contribution of the usual allies of the ruling party. The magnifying glass will also be placed on the deputies of Union for the Homeland that respond to the governors. Discounted the support of Jaldo’s Tucumanos in favor of the Government, members of that block believe that those of Santiago del Estero (Zamora) will be aligned, but they cannot say the same as The Catamarqueños (Jalil). The statement of the PJ summit on Tuesday announces that they resolved “reject in all its terms to the DNU.” A message of pressure to “Peronists with wig”. Also an alert message for the IMF.
He Decreto for mercy It does not give details or amount, nor of the conditionalities of the international body. The officials who were this Wednesday to answer questions on the bicameral, also did not give details. They repeated the text embodied in the DNU 179/25, even denying that asking for “fresh funds” to the IMF implies increasing the debt. Pablo QuirnoSecretary of Finance of the Ministry of Economy, was the one who gave the face, accompanied by Jose Luis Daza Narbonne of the same wallet. But it was not the case of Minister Luis Caputowhich is in charge of the negotiations with the IMF. He preferred not to go to Congress to give explanations and publicly answer opponent questions. He only saw it in some Friends television channels to talk to the “markets”. Nor was Bausili, president of the Central Bank present.
From Unión for the Homeland and the Left Front they pointed to the illegality of the presidential decree. In the case of Nicolás del Caño He also criticized the front of all for having validated Macri’s illegal debt with the IMF. “What agreement with the IMF worked in Argentina? Everyone ended badly”asked the deputy on the left. The officials did not respond so much about the illegal, the defense of the DNU ran more from their allies, as the deputy Monti of the UCR. In the round trip with legislators, The officials incurred some contradictions. Quirno said that “With this public credit operation we will be able to reduce the volatility of macroeconomic variables”. But then, when Daza Narbona answered Del Caño, he said “Argentina does not have macroeconomic imbalances”. Which yes he acknowledged is that “we have the weakness of the heritage of the Central Bank”and expressly referred to “Negative reserves”. With the dollars that the Central Bank has been burning since Friday, you do not have to be very insight to suspect the use that the government could give to the new IMF loan. In addition, Caputo was already a minister under the government of Macri and the country is still paying the consequences.
This Wednesday Congress will have a new day marked by tensions inside and outside the enclosure. The protest for retirees continues to grow, and will be surrounding the palace again from 5 pm. In March The minimum retirees have a credit that spider the $ 350,000: They are the more beaten by Milei’s adjustment and an example of resistance For millions that are also suffering the consequences of this economic plan. This time, they will have a new reason to mobilize. Because the IMF is the most enemy international organism of retirement: Among the conditions to debtor countries there is always the eyes on attacking the assets and rights of older adults.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com