This Friday, a Clarín article states: “An aerial video of the violent march on Wednesday in Congress shows that a Gendarmerie officer shot Pablo Grillo, the young photographer who is hospitalized in serious condition after being injured by a tear gas cartridge.”
The media informs that it is a record taken by a channel drone All newsof the same media group. That is to say, Material that this medium had and that only this decided to publish this Friday, after for 48 hours he let the fallacious version of the facts run that did the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, in the hours that followed the fierce repression on Wednesday.
For its part, The nation also has to turn partially in its coverage of the facts. This Friday also published a very complete graphic report, where it shows table by table as was the trajectory of the gas cartridge that shot at photographer Pablo Grillo. The sequence confirms that the shot was made horizontally, something that is prohibited in the protocols for the use of this type of weapons, since it converts the cartridges into potentially lethal elements.
This change – more limited – in the coverage of these great media is only explained because The truth ended by imposing thanks to the work of alternative, independent and left media That, together with those referenced in part of the opposition, they showed the events as they happened, undressing Bullrich’s lies from day one.
From those media -from which we were part with The daily left– We show wild repression and nake the lies of the great media aligned to the government. We also show as a huge political-media operation was created aimed at justifying wild repression. Thanks to coverage like the one we did next to other media, The truth is imposed. And today they have to reflect it to the newspapers aligned with the reactionary government and repressor of Milei.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com