• Since the government of Javier Milei began and Freedom advances the main risk is to accept, without realizing the land of discussions proposed by the ruling, its spokesmen and its allies communications.

  • From the moment the mobilization day began last Wednesday in support of retirees and brought together many people who sympathized, the government began a battle to impose an interpretation of the facts that would include the words “Barra Brava”; “Payments militants”, “dismissive blow” or “expertabilizing left” to overturn to public opinion. If one argues in those terms, if it is on the defensive, it is a point won by the government.
  • Now, if it is intended to have a balanced look of the government’s situation, you have to get out of the pure outrage for What they say and based on What they do or in what truly It happens to them.
  • And what happens to them? It happens to them They are losing control.
  • He is losing control of inflation (and other variables of the economy, such as the dollar); loses street control; loses control of networks; lost (at least in the last session) the control of the congress; He lost control of the agenda and loses control of the story.
  • But we go in parts. Indec reported that in February inflation was 2,4% compared to the previous month, higher number than January, which had been 2.2%. Let’s see, it is still a high number (it was last month) and rose again. But, I give you another context data: consumption fell almost 10 interannual points in February, month in which 4 points had fallen (Scentia). How did Milei answer? That if the increase in meat was taken, low inflation. The flesh no less.
  • With the matter of the dollar, it also loses control. On Friday (yesterday), the Central Bank sold US $ 474 million, the largest negative balance of the year, and the second so far in the Milei era (last December 26 sacrificed US $ 599 million). This aggravates an almost desperate need that the government has to reach an agreement with the Monetary Fund for the sending of dollars. And between the festival fake news Sometimes some truths are allowed to filter. For example, in the foundations of the DNU that authorizes the Government to carry out the agreement with the Fund, it is confessed that there is an “imperative requirement” of avoiding “the impact that the measures involved could have on the economic scenario.” That is, the most successful economic program in history can collapse without the spit of the background.
  • If one looks at the impact on social networks, a territory that the government gives much importance, clearly from the $ Libra case has been losing that battle and on Wednesday it lost again. There is a very good job of the consultant Tendencies which analyzes as the result of the dispute on the subject retired was completely adverse for the referents of the ruling party.
  • Let’s look at the Congress, another area that had been very docile with Milei (they voted all or almost everything), so the quorum reached in the Chamber of Deputies was symptomatic to treat the formation of a investigative commission of the $ LIBRA scam (session that was abruptly raised by Martín Menem) and is also significant the possible setback that would suffer the pliers of Ariel Lijo and Manuel García-Man.
  • Finally, street control. And I want to refer to two aspects of this specific point. One was the most obvious: the chaos generated by the same security forces that initiated repression before the time of the call in Congress and then expanded it throughout the micro and macro center was not only a violation of the right to protest (the entire Bullrich protocol is illegal), but it was also a failure in its own terms. The idea of ​​the “order” that Bullrich had achieved was strongly questioned and why? Because wild repression was what the government sought (that is, generating a disorder to give “the idea of ​​order”), but also because many protesters had the will to resist, defend themselves and had (we had) the right to defense. I say this because immediately after the facts, that kind of “theory of the two demons” arose to the letter that says: “The police was disproportionate, but the protesters threw stones, broke a truth. Everything has to review their attitude. ”
  • No, boys, there is no equal sign between the offensive action of the entire repressive system of the State that goes out to hit people to defend that retirees win misery; that the defensive action of those who fight against them and defend themselves. In that case, he saw clear in the palazo who hit the 87 -year -old retiree and in the projectile that Pablo Grillo received and that today continues to fight for his life. Putting “in the middle” of that is not “putting in the middle”; It is to guarantee the most strong action.
  • But the second aspect of the loss of “control” of the street I think it can become more widespread and deeper: that the football fans of many clubs have been protagonists of the call speaks of two things: the defect of traditional organizations (only now the CGT will come together to see if it summons a strike), but also, it speaks of the fact that the cause of retirees penetrated the popular fields politicization I (and many others) remember these days when in the summer of 2018 the massive fucking began on the courts and in the recitals and something advanced from the future of the Macri government. If we add to this, not only the cacerolazos on Wednesday night, but the sympathy of motorists, perhaps something deep is changing in the “public opinion” from the combination of the cryptophyte and the subject retired. We will see it the next weeks.
  • Now, this “loss of control” of the government in several ways can be bad news for them. For the majorities they suffer and suffer the consequences of their wild plan, it can be an opportunity to increase mobilization to recover control of their own destiny.

  • Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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