This Wednesday was lived A true day of fury in the city of Buenos Aires and in the Buenos Aires conurbano.
From 5:23 in the morning, the disconnection of two high voltage transmission lines operated by Edesur generated a mass blackout that left a large part of the AMBA without electricity supply. As if that were not enough, at noon the situation worsened by the fall of two other lines paralyzing whole neighborhoods, all the lines of the subway and generating immense transit chaos. Traffic lights without working, people trapped in elevators and the SAME rescuing stranded people in the subway tunnels were some of the postcards that were viral.
It is estimated that in total, the blackout left more than 700,000 users without energy, which would be equivalent to more than 2 million affected people. The disaster left exposed The Curro of the Privatizedthat in 2024 light rates increased by 430% And they continue to provide a disastrous service. A true scam, born during menemism and sustained by all governments until today.
The day of fury was completed with the postcard every Wednesday, when Patricia Bullrich deployed a totally obscene operation to intimidate and Suppress retirees who protested in front of the Nation Congress. The images are shocking: gases, palates and even blows on the floor who worked all their lives and demand an increase in their retirements, with a minimum that in March Apes will be at $ 49 thousand pesos with a bonus included.

The two events occurred after a long weekend where the dismissal of more than 2000 workers in social development and 350 workers in accumulathat add to other conflicts open by jobs such as Tres Arroyos farm, Ledesma Ingenio, Tobacal Ingenio and others.
In just five days the government fueled the fire of the pressure cooker that has been cooking since it assumed, by force of adjustment, sticks and all kinds of businesses and concessions for friends and the richest entrepreneurs in the country. However, the CGT and the CTA look at everything side and give a capital collaboration to a government cornered by the crisis of the cryptophaf and for the turbulence that its economic plan crosses, severely questioned where you look at it. The hurry of Caputo and Milei for closing a new agreement with the IMF, is nothing more than the demonstration of the despair of the ruling these days.
The complicity of the CGT and the CTA is worth gold for Milei
In a chaotic context and with a government that is at its worst, the role that the CGT and the CTA have been playing is essential for the tranquility of the ruling. Any moderately serious action plan on the part of the workers’ centrals could seriously hurt a government that already demonstrated a very important fragility, but the reality is exactly the opposite.
How many more layoffs will have to wait to announce measures to face them? How many more retirees will have to be coupled with infamous by the Federal Police and the Gendarmerie commanded by Patricia Bullrich in front of Congress? What will need for the union leadership to take measures in the face of tariffs in services that increasingly impoverish families and that, above, reveal with the disastrous service that they are a gigantic scam towards the entire population?
Far from considering some kind of reaction, or even discussion about some of all this, The union leaders are gathered behind the campaign that begins to lift Axel Kicillof With its “new” space Right to the future.
The space release statement was supported by the headlines of the CGT (Daer, AcuƱa and Octavio ArgĆ¼ello) and also Hugo Moyano, Juan Carlos Schmid and Abel FurlĆ”n, entered others. The signatures of unions such as Suteba, ATE or the two CTAs were also taken, although there was no internal discussion to reach that public support. An anti -democratic decision from the leaders to integrate workers’ organizations into the political space in which a good part of Peronism tries to recycle after the disaster of everyone’s front.
That integration has consequences Like the ones that were also seen this Wednesday: at the beginning of classes in the province of Buenos Aires, Kicillof announced the decision to discount the day to teachers who would join the strike promoted by delegates and sectional of Suteba Multicolor. An attack on the right to strike that copy the methods of the right of Macri and Milei, and that even earned him a congratulation from the presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni during his usual press conference.
Playing right: Adorni celebrated Kicillof for discounting the day of unemployment to teachers pic.twitter.com/TGaMACB1fS
– The newspaper (@IZYDIARIOS) March 5, 2025
The “summer” or the “honeymoon” of the government seems to have ended for the vast majority, except for the union bureaucracy that continues to give air and collaborates in that there are no more shocks than those that the ruling already has. Throughout these 15 months of government, the position has not varied and everything is based on the electoral strategy of Peronism for this year’s legislative elections and the presidential ones of 2027.
The Milei government, the IMF and the employers have already demonstrated that they are not going anymore. That is why it is necessary to accompany the fights that are given today in the street in defense of jobs, health and education, or in defense of retirees that each Wednesday bravely face repression. Strengthen, coordinate and surround with solidarity all these struggles to build a strength of the resistance that is able to impose on the union leaders the end of a shameful truce, which the only thing that has proven is to be fully functional to Milei’s plans.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com