The judicial investigation against the businessman Alberto González Amador has entered a new phase this Monday with the green light of the Madrid hearing so that the judge investigating the Ayuso couple expands the magnifying glass to an operation of the businessman in which the president of Quirón Prevention plays a fundamental role, the division of the Giant of Private Healing in Madrid.

The judges of the higher instance have rejected the appeal of González Amador against the opening of the separate piece and have thus opened the possibility that the employer not only responds for fiscal crimes and the documentary falsification that he has already admitted, but also for possible corruption in business and unfair administration.

The separate piece was opened at the proposal of the popular accusation, which are exercised by PSOE and more Madrid. The parties raim with the more than 1,500 documents that make up the file that the Tax Agency studied against González Amador for 18 months. Its conclusion is that the activity of the businessman showed indications of other crimes to add to those that the Treasury itself and the Prosecutor’s Office had detected until that time against him.

The judge did not agree to expand the investigation to all the crimes that the parties claimed, but the only practice of a part of the proceedings they request can shed light on all the suspicions presented by the relationship between the couple of the Madrid president and the company that will be the private management of public resources in the health of the Autonomous Community.

The roads that draw the drivers of this separate piece converge in the attic that the couple enjoys, just above where González Amador bought a luxury floor after the double fiscal fraud, and of which it is unknown who pays it and change of what.

That attic, whose existence revealed, is intimately related to a group of people based in León that make up the director of Quirón Prevention, Fernando Camino; his wife, the pharmacist Gloria Carrasco; the fiscal lawyer Javier Gómez Fidalgo; and the hotel entrepreneur Jorge Pablos. The four have kept silent so far. The judge’s summons could break it.

A two million ball and a suspicious purchase

Alberto González Amador has a main company, Maxwell Cremona, which gave in 2020 a two million ball through intermediating in the purchase of masks for a Galician company, Mape, in which the president of Quirón Prevention, Fernando Camino, is an advisor.

Shortly after, on December 4, 2020, Maxwell Cremona acquired beauty circle, to which Alberto González would rename as Masterman & Whitaker. Beauty Circle had been created in 2008 by Gloria Carrasco, her brother and her husband, Fernando Camino, who is the president of Quirón Prevention, the subsidiary of the Chiron Group that constitutes the main source of income of González Amador.

As revealed, González Amador paid half a million euros for a company that did not invoice even 30,000 euros a year and did not have material or employee means. The popular accusation suspects that this payment was the part of the commission that would have agreed with Fernando on the ball of the masks. The Prosecutor’s Office, who only appreciated fiscal crimes and falsification, has gone to support the new investigation and appreciates a “bribe” to the director of Quirón.

A year later, on December 15, 2021, Quirón Prevention agreed with Maxwell – the González Amador headquarters – that Masterman was who was in charge of the expansion in Latin America and the implementation of a quality seal for the private health sector that tried to obtain the Jiménez Díaz Foundation, the reference hospital of the Quirón Group in Madrid. At that time, González Amador’s relationship with Isabel Díaz Ayuso was already public.

The same day of the agreement for expansion in Latin America and the quality seal for Jiménez Díaz, Maxwell sends an invoice to Masterman of 600,000 euros plus 126,000 VAT and thus manages to transfer from one of its companies to the other the income from chirón. However, the Tax Agency has found that Masterman has neither material or human means to do any work. Hacienda suspects that Masterman is an instrumental society with which González Amador tried to obtain fiscal benefits in the future to artificially reduce taxes.

On December 16, 2021, Maxwell sold González Amador his participations in Masterman for 3,300 euros. That is, almost half a million euros less than what had been paid for that company a year earlier. The Prosecutor’s Office defends that “the decision of the investigating court to consider that its purchase actually undercover the payment of an illicit commission is not unreasonable.”

The agreement that is complicated

The opening of the separate piece for alleged corruption in business and unfair administration places González Amador in a committed situation. The businessman transferred to the Prosecutor’s Office his desire to reach an agreement that motivated an eight -month prison sentence and the payment of a fine. Ayuso’s couple would not go into prison and the judicial investigation and oral hearing would be saved.

But the PSOE and more Madrid reaction frustrated the agreement last summer. Then, the opening of the separate piece has earned González Amador as an argument to stop promoting the agreement. The judge quoted him on February 24, but the businessman accepted his right not to declare. Before I wanted to know if he was going to be investigated for new crimes, as he finally met this Monday.

After the decision of the audience of Madrid, González Amador had the option to agree on the two tax fraud and the falsification of documents and expect what the new investigation opened by the judge. Or reject the pact and go to a trial he never wanted and whose celebration can take years.

On Monday afternoon, several media advanced that the investigated has chosen to ask the judge to suspend her investigation for the double fiscal fraud and declare as soon as possible in the part separated by corruption in business. The argument is that it should first be ruled out that the income with which it would have defrauded to the Treasury have an illicit origin in the operation with chiron prevention.

The judge decided last week to take a statement to the two experts who prepared the report of the Tax Agency within the framework of the main piece. On the separate piece, the magistrate has not yet adopted any decision. He was waiting for the resolution of the Provincial Court that, finally, has given him green light.


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