“There are no news.” With those words he tried the direction of the PP Zanjar on Wednesday the questions about the support of Alberto Núñez Feijóo to Carlos Mazón in his defense of his role during the Dana on October 29, which caused at least 227 dead. All this after the president of the Generalitat Valenciana has changed again on what he did that afternoon, in which he was absent several hours. The support of the PP to Mazón is maintained although some voices begin to wonder how much more they can endure.

Mazón said on Wednesday, almost four months after the tragedy, which arrived at 20.28 at the Emergency Command Center (Cecopi), after sending the alert to citizens’ mobiles, which contradicts some of their previous explanations: for example, why he did not respond to contact attempts from the central government, with calls and SMS sent before that time. Then, he said they had not been reached due to lack of coverage in the Cecopi building.

It is not the only contradiction between Mazón’s new speech and the previous ones. There are even differences with the one that offered this Monday in an informative event held at the Ritz Hotel in Madrid and to which almost the entire main flat of the PP came. Almost, because Feijóo was not. Nor did any regional president attend, not even Isabel Díaz Ayuso. The host was the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, and among the attendees highlighted the general secretary, Cuca Gamarra, or the parliamentary spokesman, Miguel Tellado.

That same Monday, Feijóo planted his baron, but defended him in an interview in Telecinco in which he warned, yes, that the PP is waiting for the “appropriate” moment to make a decision about the continuity of Mazón at the head of the party in the Community. And that this decision will be made with the surveys in hand: “We are interested in continuing to rule.”

Mazón dismantles Feijóo

That strategic direction continues to weigh in the National Directorate of the PP. “We want to continue governing, you can quote it,” said journalists in Congress a spokesman for Genoa. The consequence is that the PP assumed the new version of Mazón since early and said it has not lied. “At any time he said he arrived before the message?” They replicate to journalists.

The strategic turn of Mazón began on Monday, when he traveled to Madrid to be exculpated against journalists and businessmen, in addition to the direction of his party. The Valencian president tried to discredit the thesis of his absence during almost the entire afternoon of October 29. “Since the Cecopi began and until 20.00, I made or received 16 calls,” he said. And listed them.

Who did not appear in the call relationship was Feijóo himself. And that the PP leader moved to Valencia just 48 hours after the tragedy. There he assured, together with a Cariaconteido Mazón: “The president of the Generalitat since last Monday has been informing me in real time, and I had been telling me that the situation was very complex. Since Tuesday I was informing me. ”

The problem is that Feijóo does not appear in the list of calls that Mazón made public on Monday.

The PP hides

The new version of Mazón disrupted the entire PP strategy. This Wednesday, those of Feijóo had planned to corner the government during the control session on account of the autonomous debt remove. In the afternoon, the counselors had to go to the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council and staging their disagreement with the measure with a set to the Vice President and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero.

The PP also found a car from the Judge of the Supreme Court that investigates the State Attorney General for the alleged filtration of confidential information of the Ayuso couple under the fiscal fraud that his lawyer recognized in an email. Ángel Hurtado confirmed that he maintains the imputation of Álvaro García Ortiz, a candy for the opposition work of the PP that no one could take advantage of.

The PP leaders opted for mutism throughout Wednesday. Feijóo, who usually serves the media, chose to use the back door of the Congress Palace to enter and leave. He also decided to eat in the hemicycle cafeteria itself, enabled for the deputies during the plenary sessions. At the end of the voting, he went out again through the back door so as not to cross the journalists.

The majority of the leaders of the party did the same. The always Locouaz Miguel Tellado did not want to answer. Nor the ‘number two’, Cuca Gamarra. Not even the national spokesman, Borja Sémper. Only the economic manager, Juan Bravo, offered statements to talk about the debt removal, but the questions revolved around Mazón, to whom he said that the party offers his “resounding support.”

The general secretary, Cuca Gamarra, could not dodge the same questions on Wednesday night. In an act of the 21st Century Club, journalists insisted on questioning whether there is concern in training after the time of arrival at the Cecopi de Mazón was known: “Our main concern is the reconstruction of Valencia. This occupies and worries the PP, ”Gamarra reiterated up to three times. As for whether he believes that Mazón must continue at the head of the Consell, Gamarra insisted again: there is “much to do in Valencia.”

Some voices do begin to show nervousness for the drift of judicial investigation, which can aim at the responsibility of Mazón himself. A Valencian deputy who had important responsibilities precisely in the Valencian Community in the past recognized in private that it was “an error” the informative act of Monday and its content, since the president chose to defend his management of October 29 instead of talking about the reconstruction of Valencia, because this reconstruction is the framework that the PP found to justify the continuity of Mazón.

Feijóo usually praises that the Valencian president has committed his future to the reconstruction of the province, on which he did not say a word. He did it during his first appearance in Les Corts Valencianas, a speech that was controlled by Genoa. “A national position was set,” assumes this deputy, who points with resignation that it will be difficult to uncheck that position. In fact, on Wednesday an authorized source of the National Directorate pointed out: “Its continuity is linked to recovery, it is its commitment.”

But other leaders believe it is time to change strategy and separate themselves from Mazón. “The problem is him,” says a person who is part of the direction of the parliamentary group, who shows his misunderstanding with the president: “I don’t know why he has gotten into this now, three months later.” The same source concludes that “the boss”, by Feijóo, “is good until …” ceases to be. Other prominent leaders of the PP believe that it is impossible to open that debate now. “I don’t see why he has to resign,” one of them told a group of journalists. “It is not charged,” he settled.

Mazón faces in the next few days a key test for his future: failures. The future of the President of the Generalitat may depend on the popular party during the Valencian party. The problem is that Mazón controls a good part of the party’s apparatus, although a good plumbing work of Genoa could reverse this circumstance.

What the PP cannot be guaranteed are the necessary votes to retain the Government, since Vox has not said that he will support his substitute. In fact, last week he voted against a motion that demanded the resignation of Mazón. The ultra -right party believes that it obtains electoral revenue with the permanence of Alicante. Feijóo, as he said to the cameras last Monday, will make a decision aimed exclusively at that, to “continue governing.”

Source: www.eldiario.es

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