“Everything came out as we thought about”he told him Thursday night Javier Milei to its intimate circle, according to the correspondent of Infobae that covers the trip to USA of the delegation headed by the president. But it is not clear to what he meant. Did you talk about appointments with the authorities of the FMI and the World Bank? Or rather he referred to the “success” of having been able to hug again Elon Musk and fulfill the pathetic role of companion of the owner of Tesla, X y StarlinkWhat included the gift to his idol of a chainsaw? Most likely, to the latter.
Judging by the results, mercy “I thought” to get much more juice to encounter Kristalina Georgievamanaging director of the International Monetary Fundand his second Gita Gopinath. Barely got a photo in which Georgieva poses less effusive than in previous meetings and a post of it in which they reported that they spoke “of the stabilization and growth plan of Argentina” and that “they continue to work constructively in a new program.” Nothing concrete.
Clearly, it is not for that meeting with the usury credit agency that mercy He told his cohort “everything came out as we thought.” Is that with Luis Caputo They went to look for definitions that allow them to lift their mood and, above all, the economic-financial perspectives. As Matías Hof explainsnegotiations with the FMI “They are key” for the government, “because it cannot sustain its economic plan without making fresh funds with a new loan of the agency for at least US $ 12,000 million”.
Time passes. Javier Milei and Kristalina Georgieva, in November 2024 and in February 2025
If the official objective “is to sustain the exchange scheme of financial bicycle and transient stability during the electoral period, increasing the mortgage over the working people and deepening the brutal adjustment”, the abstractions of Crimina They are not very useful. mercy show high willingness to continue dragging, multiplying external debt and deepening the national mortgage, but The background always asks for more.
A getaway north
Milei and his surroundings were cracked to the United States When a week of the international scandal unleashed by the president himself did not join by promoting via X (In his account with Gray Tilde, reserved for state officials) at Memecoin $Librawith which tens of thousands of “investors” were scammed in a matter of hours. A false, gross and monumental step, in charge of those who until yesterday self -perceived “lion” on economic, financial issues and even in cryptocurrencies.
Although today it walked away (and with yours!), Milei cannot get out of the worst political crisis So far this mandate. Self -inflicted crisis that, above, continued to inflame with derived scandals. As The interview camouflaged television operation next to Jonatan Viale. Or the succession of allegations of coimas received by the presidential environment, especially by “The boss” Karina Mileilaunched even Cristina Pérez in LN+nothing less than the defense minister couple Luis Petri.
Therefore, although the trip to USA I had been scheduled for a while, to the clique of the Pink He came like a ring to the finger. Far from postponing or shortening it, the entourage left without delay on Wednesday morning from Ezeiza. They will return to the country on Sunday. “For four crazy days that we are going to live”he said a catchy song in the middle of the last century. Will they have sung her by doing the little branch aboard the plane?
Next to the ambassador Gerardo Wertheinhis sister and general secretary of the Presidency, his spokesman Manuel Adorni and its Minister of Economy Luis Caputothe president travels the streets of Washington y Maryland Visiting “Friends.” Suspiciously (he had never accompanied him before) this time he joined the group Santiago Caputonephew of the minister but first and foremost one of the vertices of the “iron triangle” (oxidized). Award for accepting to be the scapegoat of the crisis or method to have it near and controlled?
Friends Club
The journalist Sebastián Lacunza says that mercy traveled to USA to feel sheltered by the only “club in which she is admitted.” And what if it is good for this “club” to get together these days More than eight thousand kilometers from Buenos Aires. Perhaps from that optics, the expression “came out as we thought.”
Until now the most viralized trip was not the photo with Georgievanor his speech on “the Argentine economic model” against agents of the Inter -American Development Bank (IDB)nor your meeting with Beraepresident of World Bank. About the end of an atrocious week to La Libertad advanceswhat stands out is the appearance of mercy style clown on the stage of the Convention Center National Harbor of Marylandwhere one of the regular conclaves of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).
Over there mercy showed its more expressions Aniñadasmix of happiness y Exitationwhen meet again with Elon Musk and bring him as a gift A chainsawsymbol of his management with which he threatens to cut everything that is interposed. He disseminated a ridiculous video that records their first contact at the hotel. Over there mercy It seems to be in its climax.
The chainsaw came to Doge … !!! The Chainsaw has arrived at DOGE…!!!
The gesture, loaded with worship y submission Towards the magnate advisor to Donald Trumpit is otherwise demonstrative of the level of Delivery to the imperialist “friends” who is willing to assume the presidential scammer in order to “save” his economic program.
And the satisfaction of Gatito Mimoso del Power It can be greater if, finally, it manages to be and show together with Trumpwho this Saturday at noon will close the reactionary event CPAC. Until Friday afternoon the President’s office He had not even confirmed that both leaders will have at least a few minutes of talk. There were even rumors that The American would prefer to dodge his Argentine pair in full development of crypto -scandal that has it as the protagonist and loaded several US “investors”. We will have to see.
With ours
Beyond the chamullo of Adori To disguise things, the truth is that in this trip of Milei & co To Yankees lands only the meeting with Georgieva-Gopitha y Volum. Appointments for which, anyway, it was not necessary to travel the president, his secretary, his spokesman and his “advisor.” The Minister of Economy and his “Great Team” could be fixed alone (saying about mercy). In addition, for these hours and even for the usurers of the world, Toto appears to be more reliable than Javo.
And despite the “anti -dug” verbiage with which you want to present to a government that “does not spend more than necessary” and cuts all kinds of superfluous erogation, What the ultra -rightist government never speaks of is the enormous cost of trips of the Mileista delegation to visit his friends and partners of the “Club”. Is that the scam of La Libertad advances It is throughout the line.
mercy Not only invites you to bet on fraudulent “casinos”, selling memecoins as if they were “investments for entrepreneurs.” Buying votes and wills in Congressalso manages to prevent them from investigating it and sell tons of “smoke” to try to make your War plan against the working people. Ensuring media animators, he also tries to “tame” the truth with unsustainable stories. And hiding behind supposed “official trips”, he moves away from the country to have the back on the only “club in which he is admitted”.
When Sunday morning the plane with the delegation lands in Argentine lands, possibly mercy Repeat the phrase: “Everything came out as we thought.” In light of the facts, We already know what they think.
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