The Appeals Chamber of the Supreme Court has decided to guarantee the key diligence of the case against the Attorney General: the records in which the Civil Guard intervened both their phones and those of Pilar Rodríguez, provincial prosecutor of Madrid and also charged. The three magistrates have made the decision unanimously and explain that there was no “other alternative” to implement that diligence. The opposite would be “the renunciation of the same investigation and the consequent creation of an area of ​​impunity.”

The judges also launch a message to the Attorney General: “Certainly, voluntary delivery would have made the measure unnecessary.” The registration of his communications, explains the Supreme Court, “is the only way to access the way in how it is” revealed “email so many times cited to a third party, which is evident. In a structure such as the Prosecutor’s Office, internal information is legitimate whenever their borders were not transferred. ”

Judge Hurtado put the case under a summary secret shortly after opening the proceedings and his first measure was, at the end of October, sending the Civil Guard Elite Unit to the offices of the Attorney General and the provincial prosecutor from Madrid to search for messages and emails related to filtration. The agents did not find messages on the telephone of Álvaro García Ortiz, who had changed telephone a week before, but in the mobile of the provincial prosecutor of Madrid that became one of the key reports of the case.

Both the Prosecutor’s Office and the State Advocacy resorted to these records a few days later and directly before the Appeals Chamber, resources that have taken more than four months to be deliberate. The allegations of the Public Prosecutor’s Office were presented by María Ángeles Sánchez Conde, a lieutenant prosecutor of the Supreme Court who in an appearance before Judge Hurtado came to qualify as “raid” the registry ordered at the time by the instructor.

The Chamber explains that when the cause reached the Supreme, there were “sufficient indications” to investigate and that a possible crime committed by mail or WhatsApp “can only be investigated by those own means: it is more, it is the only way to clarify it.” “The crimes committed by computer or telematic means must be investigated by the commission route itself. Moreover, it is the only way to investigate them, ”they add. “The suitability of the measure seems evident.”

This diligence contributed, above all, the messages that Pilar Rodríguez had on his mobile phone exchanged those days of March both with the attorney general and the lieutenant prosecutor of the Technical Secretariat, Diego Villafañe, or the Chief Prosecutor of Madrid, Almudena Lastra. Messages that did not reveal any data about that possible filtration but did evidenced the informative crisis of the night of March 13 and the morning of the next day. These messages cemented the Civil Guard report in which the agents deduced that the filtration came from the Prosecutor’s Office, granting a “preeminent” role to the Attorney General even if there was no concrete evidence, postulated postulated by the judge in their cars.

The case against the Attorney General is quite advanced in the absence of the conclusion of two lines of investigation initiated by Judge Hurtado: his attempt to recover the messages of the erased telephone of Álvaro García Ortiz and the investigations about whether an advisor of La Moncloa also He received that email illegally. The judge has called to testify for the next month of March to Pilar Sánchez Acera, then a collaborator of Oscar López in Presidency and today Secretary of Organization of the PSOE in Madrid.


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