According to the National Fire Management Service, 95% of fires are caused by human action. Few are the fires that originate naturally, being that the vast majority are generated by reck others. The truth that the magnitudes they then develop are avoidable.
Prevention in fires such as control of them, and all the policies in care of the environment seems to be, at least in numbers, something of little relevance to the Milei government. This in tune with the denialist discourses of climate change that proclaims ultra -right.
According to official (open budget) data in 2024, the item for the National Fire Management Service (SNMF) was executed only 22% of the total. At the beginning of last year the National Government had planned an increase of only 0.04% for SNMF, going from $ 12,101.82 million that year to $ 12,107.23 million in 2024.
With the strong October fires produced in Córdoba last year, and after the criticisms of the actions of the Milei cabinet, a budget extension was carried out that raised the SNMF budget to $ 33,343 million. Even so, at the end of the year, the government had executed only 7,338 million, that is, only 22%.
After a year of inflation of 118%, the expenditure on fire management was behind 2023, a real 72% cut, since in 2023 $ 12,099 million (96% execution) had been executed. For this year, the Government decided to maintain the same budget (extended in October) of 2024, $ 33,343 million, that is, 0% expansion.
The National Fire Management Service depended on the Ministry of Environment directed by Daniel Scioli, but on December 30 Milei decided to transfer it to the Ministry of Security in the hands of Patricia Bullrich. Although on the official Expenditure Execution page is not yet the transfer, to date (updated to 7/02/25) there are only $ 1,919 million, 5.7% of the total. To give a comparison, it represents only 1.5% of what was allocated to the payment of interest interest. Which means that silver is!
Denialism and business
The environmental care policy is in the hands of the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Sports by Daniel Scioli. Very diverse areas, which speaks of the interest in deepening of the government and charge of a secretary who has fun playing tennis while the fire advances.
The Undersecretariat of Environment has a budget of only 81,063 million for the whole year, it represents only 0.08% of the national total budget. A statement of interest of Milei that in his budget message warned that it would be tied to guarantee zero deficit for the payment of fraudulent debt.
On the other hand, the National Park Administration was affected with a budget of $ 71,142 million, a nominal reduction to 2024, where the budget was $ 73,596.27 million. The cut is also seen in the dismissal of brigades and precariousness with quarterly contracts. Today, brigades who face the fire in the first line do not have job security after April.
From the Left Front there was a bill to declare the national emergency for fires in Patagonia. Brigadistas work with precarious teams, and local communities end up sustaining the emergency with their effort and solidarity. And on top of that they are criminalized by Patricia Bullrich and the governors, with detainees and duck bugs that act in areas released by the police.
The treatment of this project is essential but can only be achieved with a great campaign to start the Government elementary demands. The State is responsible.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com