Argentina announces the departure of the World Health Organization on justification of national sovereignty, but experts warn of risks in public health
The Argentine government’s decision to remove the country from the World Health Organization (WHO) has drawn global attention. Announced on Wednesday (5), the departure of Argentina from the World Health Organization marks a historical moment, as the country was one of the founders of the organ in the twentieth century. Under the leadership of President Javier Milei, known for his reviews of WHO, Argentina follows the steps of the United States, who under Donald Trump also temporarily abandoned the entity.
According to the presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni, the decision to remove Argentina from the World Health Organization seeks to offer “greater flexibility to implement policies adapted to local needs.” He pointed out that the differences related to health management during the Covid-19 pandemic were determinant.
For the government, allowing an international body to interfere with national issues represents a threat to Argentine sovereignty. Therefore, the departure of Argentina from WHO was seen as necessary.
However, experts harshly criticize the measure. According to the Sanitary Sovereign Foundation, Argentina may face significant difficulties after the departure of the WHO.
Among the impacts are loss of access to drugs at reduced prices, less cooperation in sanitary emergencies and fewer resources for vaccines and medical inputs. In addition, the departure of Argentina from WHO can weaken the country’s preparation for future public health pandemics or crises.
Although the government denies financial impacts or losses on health services, the decision raises concerns about the country’s ability to deal with global challenges without the support of the organization.
For many, the departure of Argentina from WHO not only compromises the national health infrastructure, but also removes Argentina from crucial global partnerships.
Source: https://www.ocafezinho.com/2025/02/05/saida-da-oms-coloca-saude-da-argentina-em-risco/