This Thursday Gendarmerie shot dead Rodrigo Torresa 22 -year -old belonging to the Colla community of the basin of Salinas Grandein the province of Jujuy. The victim was a student of the tourist career and dedicated himself to agricultural production work.

As he could know The daily left In dialogue with relatives of Torreseverything happened on Thursday morning when The young man transported coca and nougat leaves on his motorcycleas part of his daily work, and was intercepted by a band of Squadron 21 of the Quiaca of the National Gendarmeriethat pursued the shots. Product of the brutal attack, Torres He died from the shots (the autopsy will only be done this Saturday) and in his vehicle at least five impacts were recorded.

So far the authorities of that repressive force and its commanders of the Ministry of National Security They did not give their version of the facts. That already indicates a lot. It is known that the minister Patricia Bullrich specializes in covering up members of federal forces every time a fact like this is happening, launching false accusations against the victims (as happened with Santiago Maldonado y Rafael Nahuel In 2017 and with Fernando Gómez at the end of 2024). The silence about the crime of Torres It is almost a confession.

According to information arising from the TAX OF THE QUIACAin charge of Alberto playsa cause opened with the cover of “Qualified homicide” y four members From squad 21, three men and a woman, they remained arrested in the facilities of the Infantry Corps.

From the Public Prosecutor’s Office They assure that the gendarmes persecuted Torres (who was on his motorcycle) to the neighborhood Praderas del Nortesouth of that border city. During the persecution they opened fire, killing the young student and farmer in minutes.. The motorcycle has at least five bullet impacts, although it was not specified how many shots he received, something that will be known (at least formally) when the corresponding autopsy is held on Saturday.

It is New crime occurred in the border area of ​​the country at the hands of Gendarmerie caused, as expected, a Strong outrage by the indigenous communities and social organizations of the region. To the brutality of Bullrich and his subordinates against everything that smells of poor worker is added the historical racist stigmatization against the native peoples.

Natalia MoralesDeputy of PTS/Left Front in Jujuymade contact with the family of Torres to transmit your solidarity and support in the search for justice. “His mother told me that Rodrigo He studied tourism and was a farmer and pastor, as they all are in the Salinas Grandes basin, ”the legislator who worked many years in the Ministry of Family, Peasant and Indigenous Agriculture.

“It is the same area in which communities are resisting before the advanced extractivist to take lithium at the expense of continuing to destroy our common natural goods, ”he added Morales. And confirmed that, at least until noon this Friday, the young man’s family had not received no communication by the national or provincial government.

It is worth saying that in many issues there are coincidences Between the ultra -prison government of mercy and the Jujeña governorate by the radical (supported by its management by much of Peronism) Carlos Sadir. Logically, when it comes to suppressing the working class and the popular sectors, there is not much “crack” between the different castes occupied by the executive, legislative and judicial powers. Even in cases like that of the young murdered in the last hours.

Rodrigo Torres He was the youngest of four brothers. He lived with his partner and had no children. His murder causes shock in his community and in the province. Shockaunt of the young and member of the community I’m on. Collamboy in the Coupons, Puna Jujeñahe told some media that he learned late about the murder of his nephew, since he was in the field grazing goats, without access to telephone signal. In 2023 the woman participated in the Third Malon of La Paz in protest against regressive constitutional reform in Jujuy.

As stated in Another article of this newspaperit’s time to Patricia Bullrich Start accountable for Your criminal actions and decisionswhich date back to her first management as a minister of “security” in the times of Mauricio Macri And today they continue to add chapters.

Actions and decisions that have as balance not only loss of young people throughout the country at the hands of repressive forces but the reinforcement of policies that are broadly sectors of the population that day by day they struggle to survive and make their basic rights respect. You have to stop your hand, with organization and mobilization.


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