Since January 15, the staff of the Bonaparte Hospital resumed the fight that had begun in October, when the government gave the first signal that it wanted to close the hospital. This time the trigger was the 200 layoffs that reached the offices of therapists, psychologists, doctors, administrators and dozens of professionals who make this mental health center of excellence operate.

This Monday they carry out an important measure to fight against this attack, with a massive hug that shows the support of patients, neighbors, social, human rights, union and political organizations. Which expresses the important solidarity that exists towards this fight while showing the rejection of the adjustment policy carried out by the national government with the complicity of radicals, macristas and a sector of Peronism.
As the Bonaparte fighters say: without workers there is no mental health and emptying is closing. This is already being seen, with hundreds of patients suffering from different conditions and addictions who are being left without that right as a result of the adjustment.
In development
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com