DKV announced this Thursday that it will not participate in the second tender for Muface either. The company indicates that “for the first time since the creation of the mutual societies, it will not be among the insurers that provide services to national mutual societies, after accumulating losses, before taxes, of more than 70 million euros in the last concert.” “The model is underfunded,” they said in a statement.
The company thus joins Adeslas, which a couple of weeks ago announced that it will not provide private healthcare services to Muface employees, despite a 33.5% increase in the premium. In total, the amount that the Government has put on the table amounts to 4.5 billion euros in three years, which the Minister of Public Service, Óscar López, described as an “unprecedented effort.” “We are putting in an additional 1,000 million euros to finance Muface, money from all citizens, from the General State Budgets, to finance the private insurance of one and a half million citizens. “Everyone’s money,” he said this Wednesday.
The company, which claims to be “a firm defender of the public-private collaboration model,” regrets that the new Government proposal “does not include the requirements claimed by the insurer.” These are: an increase of 40% in a single year, which has finally remained at 33.5% accumulated in the next three years.
According to the insurance company’s calculations, “the expense of medical benefits in the last concert has been substantially higher than the premium received.” Thus, they estimate that, if this call is made for the period 2025-2027, the losses that would have to be computed in 2024 due to current accounting regulations would be between 70 and 100 million euros. “A responsible company with a good reputation cannot afford to continue with these conditions, which would result in a worsening of care for mutual members and in the continued insufficient remuneration of health professionals,” indicates the CEO of DKV, Fernando Campos.
Currently, the three insurers that provide health care to around a million and a half people, including officials who opt for private health care from public funds and their families, are Adeslas, Asisa and DKV. With the resignation of Adelas and DKV, the ball now remains in the court of Asisa, which although it had ruled out attending the concert alone in the first tender, is now studying the possibility of assuming the mutuality alone. “In the first tender we were clear that being the only one (insurer) was not a possibility, but now we are analyzing it,” company sources explained to last week. A position they maintained this Thursday.
In the absence of resolving the crisis that has been open for months around Muface, the Ministry of Public Function officially activated a forced extension on December 28, “on an exceptional and temporary basis, from January 1, 2025 and for the time necessary to complete the bidding process for the subsequent contract.”
Despite the abandonment of Muface, DKV “is open” to continuing to provide assistance in the international branch, for officials who are abroad. The situation there, they say, is “different,” as this is “the only insurer that participated in the tender for the previous concert.” “The new tender does not include the demands of the insurer, which had requested an increase in the premium of 30.35% and a duration limited to one year” but “it still hopes to be able to reach an agreement that will allow it to continue providing the services for 2025, as long as there is adequate cost coverage,” the statement says.