He is a journalist, essayist, “political commentary professional”, co-editor of the magazine Panama. Wrote Order and progressivism. The Kirchner years (2014) y The naked crack (2019) with Pablo Touzon. He currently has a weekly column on the program hosted by Clemente Cancela (Beautiful morning indeed) through the channel Jelly.
He considers that from 2001-2002 there was a kind of “second transition” of democracy and that political power was reconstituted in a country in which the “Moncloas” do not exist, there are retroactive agreements.
He believes that Milei questions the heart of the Argentine consensus and approves the forms of populism “a la Laclau”, although “no one owes as much to the system as he does.” He affirms that the current president “was able to polarize them all” because that crack that ordered the political system in recent years had “a lot of society off the radar.”
He believes that in traditional politics, leadership lost strength in parallel to the “conurbanization of Argentina” and the mediatization of politics that resulted in a distancing from “the people.” In the middle, he considers that the pandemic showed “the unequal relationship that different social sectors have with the State.”
with the book Admiral Zero by Claudio Uriarte as a trigger reflects on the continuities and ruptures between the dictatorship and the democratic regime.
He considers that Milei “has a fascination with disorder” and likes to drive in the middle of that chaos, although he believes that in society there is a part that is activated when certain achievements are touched.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com