In the statement released by the Government it is stated that “the Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP) will be dissolved” and the Customs Collection and Control Agency (ARCA) will be created, an organization with a simpler, more efficient structure, less expensive and less bureaucratic.”

In this adjustment framework, it is also noted that “this measure will reduce the higher authorities by 45% and the lower levels by 31%, which represents an elimination of 34% of the current structure, generating an annual saving of 6,400 millions of pesos.” This would result, according to the same source, in the “disassociation of 3,155 agents who irregularly joined the AFIP during the last Kirchnerist government.”

This huge attack on workers must be responded to. The leaders of the CGT and CTA must be ordered to break the truce with the Government and call for an active national strike, as part of a plan of struggle that advances until the entire official adjustment policy is defeated.

In development


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