The countries of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) will intensify cooperation in the development of quantum technologies, while Russia and China plan to work together on the development and training of language models.

The statement was made by the Russian Minister for Digital Development, Payments Shadaevduring an interview with reporters after the BRICS Communications Ministers Meeting.

According to Shadaev, the development of these technologies has great potential to generate practical results, especially in specific sectors of the economy.

“We discussed separately today that there are indeed slightly more promising technologies, from the point of view of receiving practical results. We agree here that we will interact”, stated the minister.

Cooperation with China on language models

In the field of language models, Shadaev highlighted that Russia will work closely with China, focusing on developing tools that can be applied in specific economic sectors.

According to him, collaboration between the two countries is a way to face the challenges posed by technological monopolies and restrictions applied by Western countries.

“No country can be completely independent and competitive. Therefore, the main issue is that we must look for points of interaction, and friendly countries must seek some type of cooperation. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to fight the monopoly, with the restrictions that Western countries are introducing,” Shadaev noted.

Quantum technologies and new horizons of cooperation

In addition to language models, the focus on quantum technologies signals the BRICS countries’ intention to expand their cooperation into emerging areas of science and technology.

These technologies have the potential to transform sectors such as telecommunications, cybersecurity and high-speed data processing, making them a priority for governments looking to strengthen their technological independence.

During the meeting, ministers from the BRICS countries discussed the importance of promoting technological innovation in their respective economies and identified cooperation as a key strategy to compete in a global scenario dominated by large Western players.

The expectation is that interactions in quantum technologies and language models will serve as a basis for future broader collaborations in the field of technological innovation.

This technological cooperation between BRICS countries comes at a time when geopolitical tensions, especially between the West and China, have been increasing, resulting in sanctions and other restrictions that affect the development and circulation of advanced technologies.


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