He The 37th Plurinational Meeting of Women and Sexual Diversity began yesterday with the opening and the first day of workshops. This Saturday after a new round of workshops The mobilization takes place through the streets of the city of San Salvador de Jujuy.

They participate in the meeting women’s movement organizationsof the sexual diversity, social, policiesof human rights and of the original communities from all over the country. Thousands of women march, workers, unoccupiedof the native peoples, students and others expressing themselves in the streets of the provincial capital. The departure point was at Av. Parroco Marshke 1014.

Pan y Rosas Organization at the EPMyD in Jujuy

There is no shortage of posters in the mobilizations with the legend, “Tehuel is missing” y “Justice for Iara Rueda”among others. “The government is not respecting the trans labor quota”was another of the demands that arose. Women’s voices are heard against Milei’s policies. There is the opportunity, once again, for women to be protagonists of a pivotal moment, in which they can be part of defeating the government of cruelty, hunger and repression.

Given the recent events with the attack on public universities, a testimony indicated that That veto “will not be free” for the government, which was able to pass this law with the complicity of sectors of the PRO, radicalism and Peronism inclusive.

The left called to march for a great statement by women throughout the country in solidarity with the student movement and all the ongoing struggles: for the defense of public education and health; for the and the retiredwho are being oppressed and repressed by the forces led by Patricia Bullrich, “It was very hard to see how they were repressed and then, those deputies who supported the president’s veto against the paltry increase for retirees, celebrated”said one of those present at one of the workshops; against the privatization of Aerolíneas Argentinas and the rest of the companies, struggles in which women are protagonists.

National Campaign for the Right to Safe and Free Legal Abortion
National Campaign for the Right to Safe and Free Legal Abortion

In the workshops, they exchanged the struggle of the Bonaparte hospital, “that there be a general strike that is not happening”pointed out one of those present; the university meetings and assemblies; he genocide in Palestine; in addition to vindicate the role of Jujuy women teachers and communities in last year’s fight in the province, against the (In)Constitutional Reform of Gerardo Morales. “We are the target of every adjustment, every cut”expressed one of the participants of the meeting as part of the reasons for attending.

With the participation of students from different faculties of the National University of Jujuy (UNJu), tertiary and secondary, teaching and non-teaching The Interfaculty Assembly was held in San Salvador de Jujuythey voted to continue the taking, call a student assembly on Saturday the 12th at 3:00 p.m. in Plaza Belgrano. Within the framework of the Plurinational Meeting of Women and Sexual Diversity this weekend, the assemblies and measures will continue in response to the attack by Milei and her accomplices, in defense of public education.

Said Interfaculty Assembly of Jujuy convened an Assembly of Students from across the country before the mobilization. There the fight took place for a national educational march and they denounced the university leadership and rectorates.

Interfaculty Assembly in Jujuy EPMyD
Interfaculty Assembly in Jujuy EPMyD

One of the participants stated that we cannot wait for the times of union leadership nor for the times of Peronism like that. “hay 2019” and now “¿hay 2027?”. Several expressed that It is urgently necessary to build a national strike and a plan of struggle until the policies of Milei, the IMF and the parties complicit in the adjustment are defeated..

The fight against extractivismwas also present at the Meeting, before the advance of the National government and its provincial collaborators, Peronists and radicalswho have been ratifying the accession to RIGI. Natalia Morales spoke about this: “Women were and will be on the front line of the fight against the governments’ mining pact… and in every fight against this true open-air looting, the only way to stop the hand of these companies and their puppet officials is to the streets, together with the native communities and workers”.

Myriam Bregman, leader of the PTS and Pan y Rosasraised as part of the reflections for the meeting “the attacks of this government are generating a reaction, the takeovers of dozens of universities in the country, together with the struggle of Bonaparte and Garrahan, shake the government but also the political and union opposition that dedicated all this time to saying that it did not give , what had to wait”. In this context he maintained that, “The meeting is presented as an opportunity to organize ourselves from below and decide democratically how to confront Milei’s plan and all his accomplices, uniting the different struggles in progress. To which he added: “We have already unleashed a green tide, we can unleash another tide that this time questions everything”.

With today’s march, the second day of the 37th Plurinational Meeting of Women and Sexual Diversity closes, Tomorrow morning the closing ceremony will be held where the venue for the next meeting will be defined.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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