Far from giving up, anger is growing in the student movement after the ratification of the veto on university financing by the Milei government and its accomplice caste. In different faculties, spontaneous actions took place during the afternoon and evening of this Wednesday that have been resolving direct action measures: street blockades, assemblies, noises, seizures of faculties and confrontation with the authorities. The survey by La Izquierda Diario confirmed actions and measures of struggle in 38 national universities. There were also shots in 25 of them.

Milei managed to pass the veto, but awakened the student movementwhich in recent days has been the subject of shootings throughout the country. Dozens of faculties and schools were taken over in Buenos Aires, CABA, Córdoba, Santa Fe, Mendoza, Jujuy, Tucumán, Salta, Río Negro, San Juan, San Luis, Chubut and other provinces.

Responsibilities must be made clear: The veto was approved thanks to the complicity of the PRO, sectors of the UCR and even some Peronist deputies, the same ones who paint themselves as opponents in our Faculties. Even the union centers that did not call for a strike when the veto was discussed.

Many universities led by Peronism held classes “normally” during the vote, and the assemblies were self-convened by the students, challenging their own leadership. That is why we repudiate the aggression suffered by the students at the UNLaM, carried out by a gang under the orders from the authorities.

From the youth of the PTS We are betting that the student movement will emerge with all its forces and methods. In every space in which we intervene, we promote assemblies and fight to make them increasingly massive.

Yesterday, protests began to multiply throughout the country to reject Mieli’s veto, in defense of public education, to demand a larger budget and salary for teachers and non-teachers. The student movement began to move its muscles, towards next week we have to redouble the fight. We are committed to having assemblies in each faculty, seeking the greatest student participation, forming where possible with base committees and course delegates to prepare it. In perspective of developing inter-faculty assemblies to decide together with teachers and non-teachers a unified plan of struggle, to avoid passive strikes as the current guidelines want to impose. We want to build a common struggle plan, based on grassroots organizations, to take action with public classes to continue making this fight visible and massifying and joining forces with our teachers who will go on strike again on Thursday the 17th.

During Monday and Tuesday we are betting that there will be assemblies and meetings in all the faculties, to build a great national day on Wednesday with actions, street blocks and public classes by university. At the same time that we demand that there be a Third National Educational March NOW! Because it is in the streets where we get our rights, deploying all our strength as we did on April 23 and October 2. We want to return to the streets to say: In defense of public education, rejection of the veto, increase in the budget and teaching and non-teaching salaries now!

We have to continue promoting the broadest unity between the different sectors in struggle, health workers, retirees, aeronautical workers, students and teachers. For a national strike and a plan to fight until the adjustment of the Milei government and the IMF is defeated.


The UNTref is taken for the second consecutive day


Great noise from students of the Morón Theater School and Conservatory


Assembly at UNLa votes action plan


UNQ students vote in assembly


Interclaustro Assembly at UNSA


Hundreds of students at the Faculty of Humanities of the UNMDP singing “university of the workers and those who don’t like it are screwed”


Public class and assembly at Tertiary 82 of La Matanza


Law School is taken at UNC


University march in Trelew


In 4 Faculties of the UNT they vote Interstudentil


Public classes and the cut continue at UNLaM


Students of the University of La Matanza start court


Huge Interfaculty at UNR


UNSaM students go to the Gral. Paz collector


Court of the National University of the West (UNO)


Great mobilization in Mendoza


The takeover continues at the National University of José C. Paz


Assemblies in Trelew


Taking over the university complex in Mar del Plata


Ruidazo in Esquel – Chubut


Social movements approach the takeover of the UNCO


At UNLAM they continue with public classes throughout the day


Court in Viedma – Río Negro


Follow the shot at UNCuyo


The takeover continues in the UNLP rectorate


At UNC, 7 faculties are still taken

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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