Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, declared that the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines could not have occurred without the support of a government, echoing the opinion of several experts.

The statement was made during a UN Security Council meeting, in which Nebenzya criticized the theories that emerged after the incident and suggested that they were created to cover up those responsible.

“There is another explanation for the countless unbelievable theories that have emerged recently: it is the basic desire of the masterminds and perpetrators of crime to cover their tracks and mislead investigators,” said Nebenzya. He argued that the claim that a group of amateur Ukrainian divers carried out the attack is highly implausible.

“Such a story would be a good script for a Hollywood blockbuster, but it wouldn’t work in real life,” he said. According to him, most experts agree that such an act of sabotage could not be carried out without government support.

Nebenzya also highlighted that Russia’s suspicions about Western officials’ involvement in the incident remain and have, in fact, intensified over time.

“Two years later, all our suspicions arising from Western statements […] they did not disappear, but only increased”, noted the Russian representative, referring to statements by US and European authorities about what happened.

He further criticized the behavior of Western countries in the UN Security Council, suggesting that there were efforts to avoid a proper investigation.

In the same week, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) also spoke out, stating that Western countries not only failed to conduct an investigation into the sabotage of the gas pipelines, but were also trying to manipulate the results of the investigations.

The SVR reported that it had received reports of an alleged disinformation campaign, coordinated by the US and the UK, with the aim of covering up those truly responsible for the sabotage, especially with the anniversary of the incident approaching.

Despite these allegations, the SVR highlighted that there are still politicians and independent experts in Western countries who seek to clarify what really happened. The Russian agency recalled that the attack on Nord Stream caused significant damage to the European economy, and that Russia hopes that an impartial investigation will be carried out to identify those responsible.

Explosions in Nord Stream

The Nord Stream 1 and 2 offshore gas pipelines, which transported natural gas from Russia to Europe, suffered explosions in three segments on September 26, 2022, in an incident that generated great international concern.

From the beginning, Moscow has maintained that the attack was a deliberate action with the support of the United States. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reiterated that the Russian government has no doubts about Washington’s involvement in the act of sabotage.

In response to the incident, the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office opened an investigation into international terrorism in order to determine the damage caused to the gas pipelines and identify those responsible for the attack.

The issue continues to generate tensions in international relations, especially between Russia and Western countries, which have adopted divergent positions regarding the conflict in Ukraine and other geopolitical issues. Meanwhile, the international community continues to closely monitor developments in the investigation into the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosions.


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