Por Jiang Shixue
Senior Researcher at Charhar Institute (China)

As one of the greatest thinkers in human history, Confucius is known for many of his remarkable ideas. One of them is to promote mutual learning between civilizations.

The diversity of human civilization is a basic characteristic of the world and the source of human progress. Differences in ideology, social system and development models should not become obstacles to exchanges between civilizations, much less reasons for clashes. In light of the important changes that are taking place, the need to further promote mutual learning between civilizations has become increasingly relevant.

First, mutual learning between civilizations helps promote the building of a community with a shared future for humanity. The ultimate goal of this community is to establish partnerships based on equality and mutual understanding. The proposal seeks to create a fair and equitable structure, with shared development, inclusive growth and harmonious cultural exchanges. Furthermore, there is a focus on building an ecological system that respects nature and supports sustainable development.

This concept is not just an idealistic vision, but also offers practical paths and action plans. Although it is not possible to achieve these goals immediately, humanity must continue to pursue this goal with courage and determination.

Second, mutual learning between civilizations promotes globalization. Globalization is inevitable for the development of human society. It results from technological progress and growing interdependence between nations. As a result, the international division of labor and the allocation of resources expanded beyond national borders, creating a community of shared destiny.

However, despite the benefits of globalization, cultural, ideological and social differences between countries continue to exist. Furthermore, the anti-globalization movement, with its persistent reactions, often causes problems. Therefore, to ensure the continued progress of globalization, it is essential to promote mutual learning between civilizations, based on the principles of equality, dialogue and inclusion.

Third, mutual learning between civilizations helps maintain world peace. As globalization advances, the level of interdependence between countries increases. Even though peace and development are central themes in the contemporary world, there are factors that prevent their flourishing. The “peace deficit” persists in several regions.

Samuel Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” theory is flawed. However, throughout history, conflicts between civilizations have resulted in wars and deadly clashes. Therefore, it is essential to bridge the gaps and misunderstandings between different cultures and peoples. This requires an attitude of equality and inclusion, as well as abandoning notions of civilizational superiority. Mutual learning is crucial for peaceful coexistence and avoiding conflict.

Fourth, mutual learning between civilizations helps promote humanity’s shared values. Peace, development, justice, equity, democracy and freedom are universal values. They are the philosophical basis of the community with a shared future for humanity and the fundamental principles of new international relations.

These values ​​recognize the diversity and plurality of civilizations. However, different cultures have different understandings of these values. Therefore, it is essential to promote sharing and mutual learning to bring these different understandings closer together.

Fifth, mutual learning between civilizations highlights the diversity of human civilization. Diversity is an essential characteristic of nature and human societies. With nearly 200 countries and more than 2,500 ethnic groups in the world, people have created a variety of civilizations based on geographic, cultural, and religious factors.

Even if the world becomes increasingly globalized, civilizational diversity is unlikely to disappear. Preserving this diversity is vital for civilizations to continue to coexist harmoniously. Respecting differences, dialoguing and learning from others are essential to guarantee a more prosperous future.

Sixth, mutual learning between civilizations helps promote economic growth. Healthy international relations depend on mutual understanding between people, which can be achieved through cultural exchanges, such as trade in cultural and creative products. This type of interaction creates business and job opportunities, promoting global economic growth.

For example, in 2019, UNESCO reported that the export value of cultural and creative products reached 389 billion dollars, representing 31% of global GDP. This sector also employed 62% of the global workforce.

Seventh, mutual learning between civilizations helps promote global governance. Although globalization has caused some global problems, it is not the root of these problems. Issues such as climate change, cybercrime and terrorism require effective global governance. To achieve this, it is essential that each country and individual actively participate in this process.

Different countries have varying perspectives on global governance, influenced by their political systems, levels of development and cultures. Mutual learning is essential to overcome these differences and advance global governance in a more collaborative way.

Ultimately, mutual learning between civilizations promotes self-improvement and the progress of human civilization. No civilization is perfect, and they all have their strengths and weaknesses. Communication and mutual learning allow civilizations to complement each other and advance together.

The course of history shows that the more civilizations communicate and learn from each other, the more vibrant and enriched they become. Mutual learning is essential for human progress and the future of civilizations.

In conclusion, mutual learning between civilizations is vital for global development. China and Brazil, as belonging to different civilizations, must learn from each other to advance together in an increasingly interconnected world.

Source: https://www.ocafezinho.com/2024/09/27/choque-de-civilizacoes-ou-aprendizado-mutuo-entre-civilizacoes/

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