Juan Grabois decided to stay away from the media and networks for thirty days to “replan”Upon his return, he gave an interview on Cenital, where it is clear that he did not find any new ideas or conclusions this month, but he did sharpen his version of Peronist doctrine in his speech.
Some of his phrases were: “I am not a capitalist, I am a humanist… but we must coexist harmoniously with this system.“The good ones are those who fight for social justice,” but “we cannot think in terms of friends and enemies… With the bad guys I have to try to reach an agreement, in a permanent negotiation“. Y “Solving the issue of informal employment is a stupid utopia“.
Ten days before Grabois fulfilled his vow of silence, Alberto Fernández’s sexist violence became knownWithout giving himself a day to think about what he was going to say, Grabois tweeted about the subject and clarified that, despite everything, If I had a time machine, I would vote for him again.and also to Sergio Massa (today employed by a vulture fund) and Daniel Scioli (today Milei’s sycophant minister).
Grabois’s obstinacy seems to go against what many sectors of the electorate and grassroots Peronist activists began to question. Myriam Bregman put her finger on this contradictionduring an interview this Monday: “Don’t you think it’s time to stop voting for these people?” And he recalled that Juan Grabois competed with Sergio Massa in the internal affairs of Union for the Fatherland “with the sole objective of retain votes and prevent them from going to the left“. But the deputies of Patria Grande voted for the Law of Knowledge Economy for Marcos Galperinalso Sergio Massa’s adjustment budget and even Deputy Itaí Hagman gave up his place so that Martín Guzmán’s opinion could be issued on the renegotiation of the external debt with the IMF.
Grabois and Hagman recently took the bait and put it on the former Minister of Economy who validated the debt scam contracted by Mauricio Macri. “My self-criticism consists of having been part, unconsciously, of the wear and tear of Martin Guzman. A guy who, compared to Sergio Massa, is Jose Bel Gelbar or General Peron“, said Grabois in Cenital. Won’t that be too much?
Towards the end of his interview, Juan Grabois He put on the handbrake and said that “In our field we need to do a purgethere must be minimum criteria of morality, codes of ethics.” He also stated that Axel Kicillof is “the best activist in our field to be president and I will support him”“, while admitting that “I don’t know what Axel’s program is and He does not incorporate the things that we propose to him“. In turn, He threatened to present an independent formula for the Union for the Homeland to present himself as the head of the list in the legislative elections next year.
That stupid utopia
Grabois became more doctrinalperhaps to be up to date with the debates that have been raised Cristina Fernandez Kirchner and included Villarruelista Guillermo Moreno.
“Cristina argues that capitalism is the best productive system that exists. And I believe that Capitalism is a logic of the functioning of society (…) that is exclusive and destructive by its nature“, he said in Cenital. In a previous interview, Grabois had already stated that Perón was a socialist, based on the film shot by Pino Solanos in 1971, entitled “Political and doctrinal update for the seizure of power”, a dialogue that Perón opens to the Montoneros and armed sectors of left-wing Peronism. But when Perón returned to Argentina in ’73 and kicked the “beardless” out of the Plaza de Mayo, to rely on the Peronist union bureaucracy, that story had ended. CFK and Guillermo Moreno are right when they say that “fighting capital” is a way of sayingbut the general always advocated the capitalist system.
Now, Juan Grabois, although he points out the systemic evils of capitalism, must be considered to remain within Perón’s doctrine.. This is what he explains in this interview: “At this historical stage (capitalism) is part of a reality that we have to live with and coexist harmoniously“How is it possible to live harmoniously with a system of exploitation, oppression and environmental destruction? There is no clear explanation. Grabois wants to ride out the crisis of Peronism, without proposing concrete struggles to reverse the national decline.
“The good guys are those who fight consistently for social justice. The bad guys are those who fight so that capital can accumulate in an unrestricted manner” -difference Graboisand then states- “Even though they are the bad ones, We cannot think in terms of friends and enemies.because that ends in a civil war. I have to try to reach an agreement with the bad guys, the result of permanent negotiation.“. Apparently, For Grabois, “fighting capital” is also a way of saying.
But if we contrast his discourse on social justice with his Political support for the government of Alberto Fernández that, by the hand of the FMIboth with the minister Martin Guzman as with Sergio Massa, poverty and income gap continued to increase Among workers and the most concentrated sectors of the economy, the bar is clearly set very low. These are the consequences of the logic of the lesser evil and its spiral of decline.
Juan Graboisadvocates “the application of the principle of State subsidiarity, which is that when the market does not resolve, the ultimate guarantor has to be the State.” That is why he proposes, together with the left-wing liberalsthat the only possible solution is a universal basic salary, which guarantees the food basket. It is no longer even the 50-50 that Perón proposed to divide the national wealth in half, between that 1% of the population that are the capitalists and the overwhelming majority of the working people.
Their project is to scratch out something for the sectors of the popular economy, without entering into large or small battles. obtain lots to build low-income housing, although not even its presidential candidate, Axel Kicillof, has met that demand. It is difficult for him to do so, when the governor of the province of Buenos Aires guaranteed the violent eviction of homeless families in Guernica in 2020, hand in hand with the Villarruelista Sergio Berni.
Perhaps the most brutal part of Grabois’ interview was when he flatly denied the possibility of workers being able to fight for labor rights:
“You could have an Argentina with a good level of growth, with greater job creation. What you cannot think is that you have a button to resolve the issue of informal employment in 4 or 6 years. That’s it. It’s not going to happen, there’s no way it’s going to happen, it’s a stupid and sad utopia.“.
The thing is For Juan Grabois, there is no possibility of seriously confronting the big businessmen, not even the Government of Javier Milei, because his strategy is “permanent negotiation”.
But if There is a truly anti-capitalist way outfor the working people and the popular sectors. It is by deploying the fighting force to confront the big capitalists and the International Monetary Fund. For example, imposing on the 12 thousand largest companies in this countrya 6-hour work day, 5 days a week, with a salary at least equal to the basic family basket and without salary reduction, the working hours could be distributed and generate 1 million genuine jobswith labor rights.
Youth and working people deserve to fight for a future that is totally opposite to the dystopia that the ultra-right in power conjures up. Therefore, those who genuinely see the need to combat this social system, based on private property, social inequality and the destruction of the environment, need to be encouraged to think about the possibility of building an independent political and social force that raises this fight consistently.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com