There is a fact from the UNICEF report about children who skip meals that is also brutal. Few media outlets have mentioned it: 10 million children eat less meat and milk than they did 6 months ago. Their mothers also do not eat to leave them something.

The data destroys Milei: in 2015, with a minimum wage you could buy 480 liters of milk; in 2023 it was enough for 260, less; now it is 123. Since she took over, milk consumption has fallen to its lowest level in history, worse than during the hyperinflation of 1990: 123 liters per inhabitant per year.

It’s clear: we are facing a brutal transfer from the stomachs of children and the pockets of their mothers to a handful of millionaires. And I want to tell you who they are.

The Mastellones are the historical owners of La Serenísima. Do you know how much they earned this first half of the year? 56.096 million pesos.

It was one of the main beneficiaries of the repeal of the supply law, the shelf law, the total liberalization of prices and the devaluation (because they export).

They were always “bad-tempered” people. In fact, the name “La Serenissima” is in honour of the squadron of planes belonging to the poet and soldier, “Gabrielle D’Annunzio” who was the first Italian fascist, inspiration for Mussolini. That is also why the colours of the flag.

Much to the chagrin of the liberal Milei, the only teat that Mastellone milked was that of the State. All governments did him favours. Even the dictatorship that nationalised part of his debt in 1982.

He has no fields or cows. He swindles producers, squeezes his workers and their families. And he has some partners… Luis Pagani of Arcor, one of the richest men in the country who became powerful during the dictatorship. Danone, a French multinational with plants all over the world. And Dallpoint Investments, a vulture fund based in Delaware (USA), the largest tax haven in the world.

The left says: no child without food. Increase in wages and social programs. And enough of speculation: all companies that speculate with basic necessities must be expropriated and put under the management of their workers.


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