Telegram has announced the launch of the Telegram Gaming Accelerator, a new initiative developed in a partnership between Helika Gaming and Notcoin. It follows the success of blockchain-powered mini-apps on the platform.

Benefit from recent growth of mini-apps and blockchain

The program aims to capitalize on the recent growth of mini-apps and blockchain technology, with the aim of improving the gaming experience for users on Telegram. The launch of popular games such as Hamster Kombat, which attracted 200 million players in March, has fueled this growth.

Notcoin revealed at X that Telegram’s massive user base, built on its mini-apps, is now seen as the “new meta.” By partnering with Helika Gaming, Telegram aims to expand its accelerator program, specifically aimed at game developers.

The accelerator program is designed to foster innovation and growth among developers interested in building gaming applications integrated into Telegram. Helika Accelerate is backing the program with a significant $50 million in funding, intended to support game studios, mobile app developers, and indie creators.

Creating engaging and innovative gaming experiences

The newly formed partnership will focus on creating an engaging and innovative gaming experience that combines the capabilities of the Ton blockchain with Telegram’s platform. This strategic move by Telegram is intended to diversify the number of games available on the platform and attract a wider audience through incentivized game development.

The first round of applications for the Telegram Gaming Accelerator program opens next week.

In January, the viral clicker game Notcoin broke records in the crypto gaming world by attracting over 20 million signups in less than a month. In an April interview, Sasha Plotvinov, founder of the team behind the game Open Builders, explained that the game “simply solved the problem.” By simplifying the onboarding process, Plotvinov “removed all the obstacles” and motivated users to “fully buy into Web3.”


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