“The next step for this case to be definitively dropped is to release the five people who remain detained.”

“Judge Servini, on the day she releases the last 11 detainees, issues a ruling resolving the situation of those imprisoned, ruling that they lack merit.”

“Despite the blatant lies of the police in their statements, Stornelli, at the request of the national government, takes the case charging practically with the entire penal code. There is not a single piece of evidence, one post from the presidency and two newspaper articles.”

“The government’s will is to advance the organizations, but it is beginning to turn against us due to the weight of the facts. We are going to continue strengthening the campaign until the last 5 comrades are released.”

“65,000 signatures were presented to the judge telling her that this attack is undemocratic. Former judges, mayors, governors, figures from all over the world and from Argentina, a very broad arc.”

“The government overacts and they want to discredit those who complain, because they know that times of protest are coming, they exert brutal pressure that clashes with the weight of the facts.”

“Even if it takes years to finish bringing down this cause, the workers are going to need to leave, and they are going to do so.”

“The work of documentary filmmakers is key. Photographers and journalists have been attacked in the demonstrations, they are pointed at their faces, gassed. It is key to obtain videos and photos, they were able to demonstrate the peaceful deconcentration of the detainees.”

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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