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And A very wide range of organizations spoke out this Friday against the repressive policy promoted by the national government and prosecutor Stornelli.. Policy that has as its most immediate consequence the completely illegal detention of 35 people, who are being accused of very serious crimes without evidence.

At the press conference held at the Buenos Aires headquarters of the Peace and Justice Service (Serpaj), human rights organizations, social, union and political organizations were present and joined. Neighborhood assemblies and the media were also present. women and diversity organizations and other sectors.

Between the human rights organizations who participated or sent their membership were Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Founding Line Elia Espen, Mirta Baravalle, CELS, APDH, CHILDRENBrothers of the disappeared for Truth and Justice, CPM, Corrupted, CeProDH, Former Detainees-Disappeared Association, Liberpueblo, Militant Meeting “Cachito” Fukman, Federal Network in Defense of Democracy, Cadhu, among others. Several of these organizations make up the Memory, Truth and Justice Meeting.

Legislators were also present there, such as Myriam Bregman, Nicolás del Caño, Christian Castillo y Alexandrina Barry (PTS-SEVEN); Romina del Pla (POST-FIT); Celeste Fierro (MST-FITU); Leopoldo Moreau, Vanesa Siley, Victoria Montenegro, Julia Strada, Victoria Freire, Paula Penacca, José Glinski, Juan Marino, Itahí Hagman (UxP); among others. Also references such as Horacio Pietragalla, Luis Zamora, Nestor Pitrola; Sabina Frederic, Victoria Dondaamong others.

They also approached relatives of several of the detained people that this same Friday they were investigated by the federal judge Maria Servini. Among them, family and friends of Camila Oliva and Santiago Adano.

Among the union and social organizations were present National Campaign for the Right to Abortion CABA, CTA Autonomous, Ctera Union Secretary, Evita Movement, FOL, UTEP, ATE CABA, CTA CABA, Ademys, UTE, Sutna, Foetra, Gremial Front, United for Culture, ATE SUR, Popular Power.

Ricardo Monetti, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, was also present. Ana Arias, dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UBA, sent their support; Mariana Nogueira, Director of the Labor Relations program at the Faculty of Cs. Social -UBA: Paula Abal Medina, CONICET researcher and professor of the Sociology Department at the National University of San Martín (UNSAM); the rectorates of the General Sarmiento National University and the National University of San Martín.

The press conference was opened by Bregmanwho highlighted the busy presence of a wide range of personalities and organizations and reported the latest news. reported the serious accusations of prosecutor Carlos Stornelli on the detained people, in an armed case without any type of evidence to support it.

Then the deputy spoke. Moreau, who was gassed on Wednesday by federal forces. He demanded the immediate release of all those detained and anticipated that he will criminally denounce the Minister of Security before international bodies. Patricia Bullrich. Also the deputy Nicolás del Caño highlighted the importance of raising a great national and international campaign for the release of the detainees and the immediate closure of the armed case by Stornelli.

Other legislators, representatives of the Table of Human Rights Organizationslawyer on behalf of the detainees, the former detainee who disappeared at the ESMA Carlos “Swede” Lordkipanidseamong others.

Once the press conference was over, those who were inside the headquarters of the sickly They went out into the street to join the rest of the attendees. And from there the vast majority left for the Courts of Commodore Pywhere the detainees continued to be investigated for Servini y Stornelli.

They were present and sent endorsements:

Family and friends of Camila Oliva, Santiago Adano, Mateo Dettore, Matías Ramírez, Camila Juarez and other detainees

National deputies

  • Myriam Bregman (PTS/FITU, President of the Center of Professionals for Human Rights)
  • Nicolás del Caño (PTS/FITU)
  • Christian Castillo (PTS/FITU)
  • Romina Del Plá (PO/FITU)
  • Mónica Macha (UxP)
  • Juan Marino (UxP)
  • Leopoldo Moreau (UxP)
  • Paula Penacca (UxP)
  • Julia Strada (UxP)
  • Blanca Osuna (UxP)
  • Vanesa Silley (UxP)
  • Jose Gliski (UxP)
  • Itaí Hagman (UxP)
  • Leonardo Grosso (UxP, mc)
  • Victoria Donda (UxP, mc)
  • Monica Schlottahuer (IS/FITU), elected deputy


  • Alejandrina Barry, CABA legislator (PTS/FITU)
  • Laura Cano, deputy of the Province of Buenos Aires (PTS/FITU)
  • Victoria Montenegro, CABA legislator (UxP)
  • Celeste Fierro, CABA legislator (MST/FITU)
  • Juan Pablo Odezaille, CABA legislator (UxP)
  • Victoria Freiré, CABA legislator (UxP)
  • Gabriel Solano, CABA legislator (PO/FITU)
  • Laura Velasco, CABA legislator (UxP)
  • Andrés La Blunda, CABA (UxP)
  • Leandro García, provincial deputy of Río Negro for Nuevo Encuentro (UxP)
  • Luis Zamora, legislator (AyL, mc) CABA
  • Laura Marrone, legislator (IS/FITU, mc), CABA
  • Horacio Pietragalla, former Secretary of Human Rights of the Nation
  • Sabina Frederic, former Minister of National Security

university authorities

  • Ricardo Monetti, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
  • Rectorate of the General Sarmiento National University
  • Rectorate of the National University of San Martín
  • Ana Arias, dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UBA
  • Mariana Nogueira, Director of the Labor Relations program at the Faculty of Cs. Social -UBA
  • Paula Abal Medina, researcher at CONICET and teacher of the subject Social Organization of Work in the Sociology Department at the National University of San Martín (UNSAM). Camila Oliva’s partner

References and human rights organizations

  • Diego Morales from CELS
  • Carlos “Sueco” Lordkipanidse, “Cachito Fukman” Militant Meeting
  • Charly Pisoni, HIJOS Capital
  • Diana Kordon, Liberpueblo
  • Former detainees-disappeared association
  • Ana María Careaga, Federal Network in defense of democracy and human rights, former director of the Espacio para la Memoria Institute (IEM)
  • Guillermo Rodolfo Fernando Pérez Roisinblit, recovered grandson, lawyer and member of the Board of Directors of the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo Civil Association
  • Eduardo Tavani, President of APDH
  • María Elena Naddeo, APDH
  • Michele Bruschi, APDH
  • Paula Topasso, APDH
  • Carlos Gómez, Priests for the option for the poor
  • Claudio Morales, Relatives of the disappeared
  • Ecumenical Movement for Human Rights
  • sickly
  • Corrupted
  • CHILDREN City of Buenos Aires
  • CHILDREN Lanús
  • Brothers of the missing
  • Roberto Cipriano, Provincial Commission for Memory
  • Center of Professionals for Human Rights
  • Sebastian, Sciutti, Police Map
  • Call
  • Pablo Vasco, CADHU
  • Federal Network in defense of democracy
  • Susana Rearte and Lorena de la Cruz, Socialist Network for Human Rights

Social, union, cultural, feminist and political organizations

  • United for Culture
  • Union of Independent Musicians
  • Industry and musical activity table
  • Gervasio Muñoz, President of the National Tenants Federation
  • Pablo Perez, FUBA general secretary
  • Precarious Young Scientists
  • UNSAM Scholarship Assembly
  • Unsam self-convened teachers
  • UNSAM Science and Technology Assembly
  • Collective Not One Less
  • National Campaign for the Right to Abortion – CABA
  • Nina Brugo, CNDA, Federal Feminist Collective
  • Maria Rachid, Head of the Anti-Discrimination Institute of the CABA Ombudsman’s Office. Deputy Porteña (MC). Member of the FALGBT CD.
  • Network of defenders of the environment and good living
  • Sofia Ottagali, Agrupación Tigre feminist
  • Citizen association for human rights
  • Silvia Saravia, National Leader of Libres del Sur
  • Nestor Pitrola, Workers’ Party
  • Eduardo “Chiquito” Belliboni, Polo Obrero
  • Human Rights Secretariat of the Justicialist Party
  • Avoid Movement
  • Marcelo Ramal, Workers Politics
  • Sebastian Romero, PSTU
  • Horacio Derrand, Popular Unity
  • Guillermo Pacagnini, MST
  • Alexis Kalinsky, Thou Shalt Not Kill Movement
  • MIR
  • PJ Comuna 6
  • Militant Peronism
  • Kolina CABA
  • People Power
  • FOL
  • Left Front Unity
  • Socialist Left
  • Socialist Workers Party – PTS
  • Workers Party
  • Teresa Lives Movement
  • New More
  • Assembly of Los Trunks, Pacheco
  • Boedo Assembly
  • Eduardo López, CTA CABA
  • Gustavo Quinteros, ATE National
  • Angélica Graciano, CTERA union secretary
  • Ricardo Peidro, Deputy Secretary CTA Autonomous
  • Pablo Spataro, General Secretary CTA Autonomous – CABA
  • Mariana Gutiérrez, UTE – CTERA
  • Jorge Godoy, Secretary of Human Rights – UTE
  • Internal Board – ATE Indec
  • CTA Human Rights Secretariat
  • FOETRA Human Rights Secretariat
  • ATE On
  • ATE Lanús
  • CTA City
  • UTEP – Union of Workers of the Popular Economy
  • Sebastián Vricella, ARGRA
  • Martina Noailles, Secretary of Self-Managed Media of the Union of. Buenos Aires Press (SiPreBA)
  • Clara Chevalier (General Secretariat of ADEIUNAJ)
  • Line 60 Delegates
  • Metrodelegados AGTSYP
  • Front of grassroots associations
  • union front
  • Andrés Guevara, FEDUN congressman
  • Mariana Sacyola, Ademys
  • Amanda Martín, deputy secretary of the Ademys teaching union
  • Secretariat of Human Rights, Sutna
  • Carlos Oroño, FATE-Maroon List
  • Javier Fucks, SITRAJU


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