Summer is hot and there are many sectors that are fighting layoffs and other attacks from Milei. In The Daily Left You can consult all that information: they are the workers of the Bonaparte Hospital who fight against the closure and layoffs, the retirees who mobilize every Wednesday or those who stand at the sites of memory and in companies like Shell, Pilkington and others establishments where the owners want to take advantage of the moment to make discriminatory attacks.
Milei also heats up the scene every time she takes a microphone or grabs her His minister Luis Caputo gives free rein to financial speculation so that in Argentina those dedicated to gambling continue to win and the majorities lose.
Many men and women are in the streets and at the forefront putting their bodies into the situation. There are others, however, who are never seen due to their struggles, but do appear in TV or streaming studios. It is the case of Juan Grabois, who appeared in an interview to say that he has the “correct formula” for the situation and that is to propose an electoral front between “all of us who are against Milei, but I include a Lousteau, I don’t know what Stolbizer is up to but say that he is against Milei, Carrió, we will do an internal one, whoever wins, wins , whoever loses accompanies, is an internal tactic.”
Let’s review some central data to understand what this new recipe for failure is about, which is presented as the solution “to confront something that I see as fascist” (said Grabois), but which would not seem very good to confront the right. Rather, it would seem to be to include people who give a lot of support to the right. Let’s see:
1) Lousteau: a huge ally of Javier Milei to approve the Bases Law
It was Wednesday, June 12, 2024. Milei’s government had been unable to pass even a single law for more than 6 months. Outside, thousands of people – despite the betrayal of the CGT – gathered to face a project to loot the country and relax attacks. Inside, it was not yet known if there would be a quorum. The Base Law could fail again, as had happened the previous summer. However, after 10 in the morning, it was learned: Javier Milei’s government would be saved by Martín Lousteau, who provided the decisive quorum for the meeting to take place. The law already had half the approval of deputies thanks to the support of macristas, radicals and a sector of Peronism. Now, the Senate defined the situation. Put clearly: without Lousteau, the project would collapse. There would be no RIGI to hand over the country, there would be no labor reform, there would be no projects to deregulate the entire economy in favor of the most concentrated capital. The main project of Freedom Advances. But Martín Lousteau decided to save Milei. Everything else is just talk. The gratitude of the far-right government to the radical deputy will be eternal. An enemy of the people.
2) Oh, how distracted: the day Lousteau voted in favor of granting himself a million-dollar increase in his salary as a senator
April 19, 2024. Poverty is on the rise. After the megadevaluation of December 2023, prices had skyrocketed to levels not seen in decades and the situation was dramatic. But Martín Lousteau is from the caste. Good of the breed. He is one of the senators who that day decided to vote for themselves an increase of more than 170%, to go on to earn more than $6 million gross. Martín Lousteau’s photo went viral, raising his hand in favor of the increase but trying not to make it too noticeable. It was one of the big mistakes of 2024.
3) Lousteau “pancake king”: from Cristina Kirchner official to Macri ambassador
Although competition for the award is high, Lousteau ranks high. On the national political scene he became known mainly for having been Cristina Kirchner’s Minister of Economy and particularly for having promoted “Resolution 125” that gave rise to the crisis between the national government of that time and the rural employers’ associations. A few years later, he became ambassador to the United States for the Macri government. He also voted for many fundamental laws to adjust to Macrism, such as the looting of retirees in 2017, which was confronted by massive mobilizations in front of the National Congress. In the UCR, he is an ally of dark characters like Emiliano Yacobitti.
4) Elisa Carrió: central character of the “gorilla” space in Argentina
Another of those invited to the front by Grabois is Elisa Carrió. With an extensive career, he has been a central figure of right-wing anti-Peronism for decades. Participant of the Alliance of De la Rúa and “Chacho” Álvarez, founder of the ARI and the Civic Coalition, original member of the front Let’s change which allowed Mauricio Macri to come to power in 2015. She is also remembered for a disastrous phrase in which she suggested that Santiago Maldonado could be in Chile, thereby seeking to cover up the serious state crime of the Macrista government.
5) Soup again: Grabois claims to have voted for Scioli, Alberto Fernández and Massa
When the scandal arose over the complaints of gender violence that Fabiola Yañez made against Alberto Fernández, Juan Grabois made a repudiated post in which he claimed to have voted for Daniel Scioli, Alberto Fernández and Sergio Massa. Today, it repeats the formula of wanting to put together broad fronts – but now going even further to the right! -, an experience that comes from failing harshly and that was only functional on the right: the Frente de Todos applied harsh adjustment plans and opened up the road to Milei. Furthermore: in an internal system like the one now proposed by Grabois – if there is a STEP – many of the “losers” would still enter as deputies in October. Grabois already has experience on this issue of internal elections: in 2023 he was on the same ballot that helped many legislators enter who later voted for Milei’s laws, such as the “Mileist Tucumans” and Jalil’s Catamarqueños. Today Grabois wants to help the Lousteaus and Carriós enter life.
The only space that did not contribute a single vote to Milei’s adjustment and delivery plans was the Left Front. For some reason, they are the ones who are also most in the streets today promoting resistance alongside thousands of workers and young people. Data, not opinion.

Watch the video of Grabois’ proposal:
Grabois proposes a front with Lousteau. Yes, with Lousteau. Memory aid: without Lousteau’s key quorum the Base Law would have fallen. A front with whom he enabled the RIGI, the labor reform, the looting. It doesn’t look good. What a lack of ideas this guy. pic.twitter.com/lIaRiTO0KW
— Fernando Scolnik (@FernandoScolnik) January 23, 2025
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com