The Minister of Deregulation and Transformation of the State, Federico Sturzenegger, “celebrated” the closure of 200 State agencies. On his social networks he wrote: “In this week where we are closing the year, I leave you a list of the more than 200 areas of the State that we closed this year. Come and look. They are going to laugh and they are going to cry. Warning: not suitable for impressionable people.”
In addition, he thanked various officials and, especially President Javier Milei, for “the conviction and leadership in the need to reduce the State”. An insult to the millions who suffer the consequences of the adjustment.
In the list where the 127 eliminated areas are mentioned, the 24.4% correspond to agencies that address gender and diversity issues. Secondly, with a 17.3%, the social economy sector is located.
The closure of these areas and the dismissal of thousands of State workers reflect the national government’s plan to make the adjustment fall on the most vulnerable sectors. They are far from their discourse of austerity and “optimization” of the State when they cut resources in key sectors such as education, health or social policies.
Also the Minister of Justice of the Nation, Mariano Cuneo Libarona, went out to “celebrate” the adjustment on the networks. And he also attacked gender policies. He wrote in X: “The gender verse is over.” In addition, he boasted that during this administration femicides decreased, trivializing the problem of violence that thousands of women and diversities suffer every day.
While seeking to “reduce spending”, Policies that benefit large companies and financial sectors continue to be favoredto the detriment of resources allocated to areas that are essential for the well-being of the vast majority.
The entire adjustment is directed based on guarantee public debt payments. This external debt scheme that plunges the country into permanent adjustment will deepen thanks to the Milei administration, which is now betting on a new debt with the IMF.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com