First image of how self -employed workers adapted to the new social security fees system according to their profits, which was launched in 2023. 27% of workers quoted more, above their real income, and another 24 % paid as, according to the crossing of data between the Tax Agency and the Social Security to which the Eldiario.es has had access. Social security is in the process of regularization of these amounts, which will be extended until April 30.
The public body has reviewed the contributions of the total of 3.7 million people who were registered in the system of freelancers over 2023, crossing their data with the income declared to the Tax Agency. This was the first year in which self -employed workers had to adapt their fees to their profits, according to a scale of revenues that the Government agreed with the main autonomous groups.
The new quota system according to real income ended with the possibility of choosing fee, which placed the vast majority of self -employed workers in the minimum possible. As a consequence, they had the right to very limited social protection, such as pensions, maternity permits and low -disability benefits or very small disability benefits.
This situation was very clear in the pandemic, since many workers found an important income hole, with a cessation of cessation of activity that was much lower than what they earned in their businesses.
From the review of the contributions and profits declared in 2023 it is extracted that almost half of the 3.7 million self -employed workers will not undergo any change in the regularization process, either because they correctly adapted their fee to their real income or because They do not enter into this process (for example, flat rates).
On the other hand, there are almost 27% of workers – about one million people – who quoted more, in sections above the one that would correspond to their earnings. And finally, almost 24% of workers who quoted as, an amount lower than what should be the result of their business. These are about 880,000 people, who must enter Social Security the amount necessary to adjust to their sections and that will have an impact on the social benefits it receives.
Now to regularize: to pay or return
The Ministry of Social Security, directed by Elma Saiz, is immersed in this first regularization, which will be extended until April 30 in several phases.
The result of regularization can yield three possible scenarios for workers, Social Security explained: “differences in contribution in favor of the autonomous”, when it has quoted more; “Differences of contribution to enter”, when you have quoted less; “And a last stage without price differences, in which it will not be necessary to perform any action.”
In cases where the result gives a difference in favor of the autonomous, the worker may request the automatic return of the resulting amounts before April 2025, or may choose to maintain the highest contribution base, “to improve their benefits Future, ”Elma Saiz department said in December. This second option only operates for the bases in force at 12/31/2022, before displaying the reform of new installments.
When the contribution differences throw a result to enter, which has happened to the 880,000 people who have less quoted, the worker must pay the amount indicated before the date established in the Social Security Resolution. If admission is not made within the established period, “a 20%surcharge will be applied,” the ministry warns.
“60%” of those who quoted more reject the return
The Ministry of Social Security explained on Wednesday that “almost 60% of self -employed workers who quoted above their corresponding base, have chosen to maintain it, allowing them to access a higher level of protection and better future benefits” .
The Secretary of State for Social Security, Borja Suárez, explained that as of March 3, the files of return of the amounts will begin to be processed to those workers who quoted above the base that corresponded to them and that they have opted to quote according to their net yields.
From the Ministry they explain that the transition to the new quota model has been facilitated, as well as the regularization process, through the portal and the import app, communications to authorized network, and “the reinforcement of the face -to -face and telephone care with A specific attention line for issues related to this regularization in numbers 919 08 70 67 and 901203040 ”. Social Security has also disseminated the following explanatory video, with some of the keys to the regularization that will end in the coming months.
Source: www.eldiario.es