The PTS Youth and its groups, together with the Permanent Assembly for Work and Housing, teachers, state workers and health workers, carried out different activities to raise money to travel to the Garin neighborhood, in the northern area of Greater Buenos Aires, to meet the workers who, with the organization, demonstrated that they do not need a boss to produce.
The former Donnelley printing plant (now MadyGraf) will be celebrating 10 years of worker management in a few days. A huge delegation of my party’s youth travelled from La Plata to tour the factory and learn about this wonderful experience. “We showed that if we can manage a factory, we can do it.” pic.twitter.com/iVDlXaEgcc
— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) August 10, 2024
“It is true that once you come here you come back different,” commented a student from the National University of La Plata after listening to “Loco” Medina (a MadyGraf worker) say that with unity and deciding everything democratically in assemblies, they were able to not only manage the factory, but even make it environmentally friendly, converting its production so as not to pollute the families of the neighborhoods surrounding the property.

Many of those who participated in the tour of the factory were also part of the debates that opened the National Conference of the PTS, whose main resolution was to build a party that is a tool for the entire working class, that recovers the experiences of the struggle of the working class in order to draw the best conclusions and find a way out of this crisis.

The national government does not stop making adjustments to the workers, who call themselves opposition, during the last few days have made it clear that they are not up to the task of confronting the right because they are the ones who pave the way for them. During the tour there were many comments about the need to create an alternative by and for the workers.
The day ended with more than 200 people singing “workers and students like in the Cordobazo”, we need to build unity to fight against Milei, MadyGraf is an example of how to do it. According to a worker from another recovered factory “if workers can control a factory, we can do it in the country too”.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com